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VLLOKUP - more than one result??

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    VLLOKUP - more than one result??

    My range of data (table array) has more than one row that meet the VLOOKUP criteria I have set.

    I have a VLOOKUP in eg A1 =VLOOKUP($K$1,Order_Log,6,FALSE). In this I want the first value to be returned (as VLOOKUP does per standard, using FALSE). This I can do.

    In cell A2 however, I would like to return the 2nd value from my range of data.

    In cell A3, the 3rd ....and so on (only up until around the 6th value).

    What do I need to add into my A1 formula, for the 2nd value to be returned in A2? I guessed it may be as easy as FALSE +1, but this does not seem to work!

    Many thanks


  2. #2

    RE: VLLOKUP - more than one result??

    Hi Jenny,

    try to create the same formula on the cell A2, A3, A4, etc changing the 6
    before ",FALSE" to &, 8, etc

    hope it help
    regards from Brazil

    "luvthavodka" escreveu:

    > My range of data (table array) has more than one row that meet the
    > VLOOKUP criteria I have set.
    > I have a VLOOKUP in eg A1 =VLOOKUP($K$1,Order_Log,6,FALSE). In this I
    > want the first value to be returned (as VLOOKUP does per standard,
    > using FALSE). This I can do.
    > In cell A2 however, I would like to return the 2nd value from my range
    > of data.
    > In cell A3, the 3rd ....and so on (only up until around the 6th
    > value).
    > What do I need to add into my A1 formula, for the 2nd value to be
    > returned in A2? I guessed it may be as easy as FALSE +1, but this does
    > not seem to work!
    > Many thanks
    > Jenny
    > --
    > luvthavodka
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > luvthavodka's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=34856
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=546049

  3. #3
    Aladin Akyurek

    Re: VLLOKUP - more than one result??

    What is the range Order_Log refers to?

    luvthavodka wrote:
    > My range of data (table array) has more than one row that meet the
    > VLOOKUP criteria I have set.
    > I have a VLOOKUP in eg A1 =VLOOKUP($K$1,Order_Log,6,FALSE). In this I
    > want the first value to be returned (as VLOOKUP does per standard,
    > using FALSE). This I can do.
    > In cell A2 however, I would like to return the 2nd value from my range
    > of data.
    > In cell A3, the 3rd ....and so on (only up until around the 6th
    > value).
    > What do I need to add into my A1 formula, for the 2nd value to be
    > returned in A2? I guessed it may be as easy as FALSE +1, but this does
    > not seem to work!
    > Many thanks
    > Jenny

  4. #4

    RE: VLLOKUP - more than one result??

    Please read Chips suggestions for new posters and please don't multipost.


    "luvthavodka" wrote:

    > My range of data (table array) has more than one row that meet the
    > VLOOKUP criteria I have set.
    > I have a VLOOKUP in eg A1 =VLOOKUP($K$1,Order_Log,6,FALSE). In this I
    > want the first value to be returned (as VLOOKUP does per standard,
    > using FALSE). This I can do.
    > In cell A2 however, I would like to return the 2nd value from my range
    > of data.
    > In cell A3, the 3rd ....and so on (only up until around the 6th
    > value).
    > What do I need to add into my A1 formula, for the 2nd value to be
    > returned in A2? I guessed it may be as easy as FALSE +1, but this does
    > not seem to work!
    > Many thanks
    > Jenny
    > --
    > luvthavodka
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > luvthavodka's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=34856
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=546049

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