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Sorting numbers, please help?

  1. #1
    Kevin Schultz

    Sorting numbers, please help?

    I ahve a spreadsheet that contains 5 columns of whole numbers rangeing from 1
    to 100. I need to count how many times each number appears in each column or
    even in all 5 columns together. Ex. the number 1 appears 252 times, etc.

    Does anyone know how to sort the data that way? I have imported into an
    access table as well if that's easier.

    Please help?

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    Hopefully someone has a better method, but:

    Assuming that you want to keep the results in 5 columns to match the same number of rows, I have used A1 to E9 as my range, you will need to adjust the range for the number of rows that you have.

    assuming that columns G to K are clear, in G1 put
    =SMALL($A$1:$E$9,ROW())&" = "&COUNTIF($A$1:$E$9,SMALL($A$1:$E$9,ROW()))

    in H1 put
    =SMALL($A$1:$E$9,ROW()+9)&" = "&COUNTIF($A$1:$E$9,SMALL($A$1:$E$9,ROW()+9))

    in I1 put
    =SMALL($A$1:$E$9,ROW()+18)&" = "&COUNTIF($A$1:$E$9,SMALL($A$1:$E$9,ROW()+18))

    in J1 put
    =SMALL($A$1:$E$9,ROW()+27)&" = "&COUNTIF($A$1:$E$9,SMALL($A$1:$E$9,ROW()+27))

    in K1 put
    =SMALL($A$1:$E$9,ROW()+36)&" = "&COUNTIF($A$1:$E$9,SMALL($A$1:$E$9,ROW()+36))

    (adjust the numbers 9, 18, 27 & 36 accordingly)

    Formula-drag those to the number of rows for which you have data.

    (you can use just one column and drag it 5 times the number of rows)

    Hope this helps

    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Schultz
    I ahve a spreadsheet that contains 5 columns of whole numbers rangeing from 1
    to 100. I need to count how many times each number appears in each column or
    even in all 5 columns together. Ex. the number 1 appears 252 times, etc.

    Does anyone know how to sort the data that way? I have imported into an
    access table as well if that's easier.

    Please help?

  3. #3

    RE: Sorting numbers, please help?

    you could use CountIf function on excel.
    e.g CountIF("A1:A500", 1) which will should how many time 1 appear from
    range (A1 to A500).

    "Kevin Schultz" wrote:

    > I ahve a spreadsheet that contains 5 columns of whole numbers rangeing from 1
    > to 100. I need to count how many times each number appears in each column or
    > even in all 5 columns together. Ex. the number 1 appears 252 times, etc.
    > Does anyone know how to sort the data that way? I have imported into an
    > access table as well if that's easier.
    > Please help?

  4. #4
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    thanks Dan,

    or even =Countif(A$1:E$999,Row()) and copy that down 100 rows

    (for data 1 to 100)

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan
    you could use CountIf function on excel.
    e.g CountIF("A1:A500", 1) which will should how many time 1 appear from
    range (A1 to A500).

    "Kevin Schultz" wrote:

    > I ahve a spreadsheet that contains 5 columns of whole numbers rangeing from 1
    > to 100. I need to count how many times each number appears in each column or
    > even in all 5 columns together. Ex. the number 1 appears 252 times, etc.
    > Does anyone know how to sort the data that way? I have imported into an
    > access table as well if that's easier.
    > Please help?
    Last edited by Bryan Hessey; 10-05-2005 at 01:42 AM.

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