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merging two files

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  1. #1

    merging two files

    Hi all:

    I have a list of addresses, each with an ID number. I also have
    another file that is a list of ID numbers that I have imported from
    SPSS. The imported ID numbers contain most but not all of the ID
    numbers from the address list.

    What I would like to do is to match up the IDs from the imported
    file to the address list so that for each case, there would be the
    original ID and the imported ID. Where there wasn't an imported ID, it
    should be blank in that column.

    What I am trying to do is take the ID numbers of subjects who have
    responded to a survey and mark them so that I can filter and delete the
    addresses of those who did not respond.

    Any ideas??????


  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: merging two files

    I'd return the address into a different column (or columns).

    If your master data is on Sheet1 and your SPSS data is on Sheet2, you could use
    =vlookup() (with the key ID column in column A of each worksheet):




    You could expand the range (to Sheet2!a:x) and bring back different columns (2,
    3, 4,...) if the addresses are across columns.

    You may want to read Debra Dalgleish's notes:
    http://www.contextures.com/xlFunctions02.html (for =vlookup())
    http://www.contextures.com/xlFunctions03.html (for =index(match()))

    mcap wrote:
    > Hi all:
    > I have a list of addresses, each with an ID number. I also have
    > another file that is a list of ID numbers that I have imported from
    > SPSS. The imported ID numbers contain most but not all of the ID
    > numbers from the address list.
    > What I would like to do is to match up the IDs from the imported
    > file to the address list so that for each case, there would be the
    > original ID and the imported ID. Where there wasn't an imported ID, it
    > should be blank in that column.
    > What I am trying to do is take the ID numbers of subjects who have
    > responded to a survey and mark them so that I can filter and delete the
    > addresses of those who did not respond.
    > Any ideas??????
    > Marc


    Dave Peterson

  3. #3
    Forum Contributor Gabor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Székesfehérvár, Hungary
    MS-Off Ver
    This one I made up for similar purposes many years ago, means you have to really tweak it to your needs. Assumes you have the two lists in the same workbook and there are no empty cells util the end of the list.
    So wherever there is an >>>>UPDATE indicated you have to change the code as per your workbook.

    Sub Vergleich()

    Dim ToList, FromList
    Dim Friss, RefData
    Dim RefTav
    Dim StartCell

    ToList = "St"
    ' Name of ToList <<<<<<<<UPDATE rqd. !!!
    FromList = "List"
    ' Name of FromList <<<<<<<<UPDATE rqd.!!!
    RefTav = 0
    ' Offset of the reference data element <<UPDATE !!!
    StartCell = "A1"
    ' This is the starting cell on the ToList <<UPDATE !!!

    ' Starting Cell at FromList <<<<<<<<UPDATE !!!

    For cik01 = 1 To 20000

    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
    If ActiveCell.Offset(0, RefTav) = Empty Then GoTo 1000
    'If ref. data is empty, quit
    Friss = ActiveCell
    RefData = ActiveCell.Offset(0, RefTav)
    Range(StartCell).Select '<<<<<<<<<< UPDATE RQD.

    For cik02 = 1 To 2000

    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

    If ActiveCell.Offset(0, RefTav) = RefData Then
    ActiveCell.Formula = Friss
    ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).FormulaR1C1 = "matched" '<<<<UPDATE
    ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).FormulaR1C1 = "matched" '<<<<UPDATE
    GoTo 100
    ElseIf ActiveCell.Offset(0, RefTav) = Empty Then
    ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).FormulaR1C1 = _
    "not found" '<<<<UPDATE
    GoTo 100
    End If

    Next cik02

    100 Next cik01

    1000 Beep

    End Sub

    Cheers, Gabor

  4. #4

    Re: merging two files

    Wow...thanks!!! Seems complicated as I am a total excel novice. SPSS
    seems a lot easier for things this but I am working with mail merging
    and other things that I prefer to use excel with. I will have a crack
    at it. Thanks again!!!!!!!!


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