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Record set to array?

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  1. #1

    Record set to array?

    Is it possible to make a query using ado and have the data dumped into
    an array for more manipulation? Right now I have a query like this:

    strQuery = "SELECT baser, upt, multiplier FROM olb WHERE" & _
    " SPR = '" & Range("C2").Value & "'" & _
    " ORDER BY id desc"
    With rs
    .Open strQuery, dbConn, adOpenStatic
    Range("J6").CopyFromRecordset rs

    But I would rather do Array.Copyfromrecordset or something like that

    The results of the query can be different sizes so I can't predefine
    the array size, I think this requires declaring a variable as
    'variant', but from there I'm not quite sure where to go.

    Thanks for any assistance.

  2. #2
    Tim Williams

    Re: Record set to array?

    dim arrRecs as variant

    arrRecs = rs.GetRows()

    Tim Williams
    Palo Alto, CA

    "mazzarin" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
    > Is it possible to make a query using ado and have the data dumped into
    > an array for more manipulation? Right now I have a query like this:
    > strQuery = "SELECT baser, upt, multiplier FROM olb WHERE" & _
    > " SPR = '" & Range("C2").Value & "'" & _
    > " ORDER BY id desc"
    > With rs
    > .Open strQuery, dbConn, adOpenStatic
    > Range("J6").CopyFromRecordset rs
    > .Close
    > But I would rather do Array.Copyfromrecordset or something like that
    > The results of the query can be different sizes so I can't predefine
    > the array size, I think this requires declaring a variable as
    > 'variant', but from there I'm not quite sure where to go.
    > Thanks for any assistance.

  3. #3

    Re: Record set to array?

    Depending what you are trying to achieve, you can also manipulate the RS
    (depending on the cursor)
    With RS.
    Do while not .EOF

    But it would be better to optimise your SQL to return the correct info in
    the first place.


    "mazzarin" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Is it possible to make a query using ado and have the data dumped into
    > an array for more manipulation? Right now I have a query like this:
    > strQuery = "SELECT baser, upt, multiplier FROM olb WHERE" & _
    > " SPR = '" & Range("C2").Value & "'" & _
    > " ORDER BY id desc"
    > With rs
    > .Open strQuery, dbConn, adOpenStatic
    > Range("J6").CopyFromRecordset rs
    > .Close
    > But I would rather do Array.Copyfromrecordset or something like that
    > The results of the query can be different sizes so I can't predefine
    > the array size, I think this requires declaring a variable as
    > 'variant', but from there I'm not quite sure where to go.
    > Thanks for any assistance.

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