
I have an issue in my spreadsheet that has been bugging me. On one sheet with frozen panes I have a combo box in the top pane and multiple charts in the bottom pane. Whenever a chart is selected, I can't open the combo box without first clicking out to any cell. If I click on the combo box, the chart deselects but the combo box doesn't drop down.

To replicate the error, open a new spreadsheet and click on cell A7, then go to Freeze Panes. Place a new combo box from the Control Toolbox into the top pane. Select it in design mode, go to its properties, and change the Style Property to "2 - fmStyleDropDownList". Now click into the bottom pane and make a new empty chart. If you press onto any cell, then press onto the Combo Box, it opens up (albeit with no information). If you select the chart, then press onto the Combo Box, it won't open.

If anyone has a way around this bug, It'd be much appreciated.

Thanks for your help!