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Adding same cells across multiple worksheets

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Adding same cells across multiple worksheets

    Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 12:51 am Post subject: Adding same cells across multiple worksheets


    I have a file with 10 worksheets, each of which contains a P&L statement for each different department within the company, and another worksheet that rolls all the department totals into one consolidated P&L.

    The consolidated worksheet adds the balances of each individual worksheet to calculate the company total.

    If each worksheet is called "Dept1", "Dept2", etc., and the consolidated worksheet is called "Total", my formula in "Total" for each line was this:

    =+Dept1!A5+Dept2!A5+Dept3!A5...and so on.

    I then changed it to this because it's much shorter:


    The only problem is that there are other worksheets in this file as well, and the users tend to move the placement of the worksheets around to suit their needs, which would obviously make the second formula inadequate if they moved one of the department worksheets out of the listed range.

    Is there a formula that "locks" the worksheet names so that all ten worksheets will be included in the total, regardless of where they are moved within the file?

  2. #2
    Vasant Nanavati

    Re: Adding same cells across multiple worksheets

    I don't think this is possible.

    "LACA" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 12:51 am Post subject: Adding same cells
    > across multiple worksheets
    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > I have a file with 10 worksheets, each of which contains a P&L
    > statement for each different department within the company, and another
    > worksheet that rolls all the department totals into one consolidated
    > P&L.
    > The consolidated worksheet adds the balances of each individual
    > worksheet to calculate the company total.
    > If each worksheet is called "Dept1", "Dept2", etc., and the
    > consolidated worksheet is called "Total", my formula in "Total" for
    > each line was this:
    > =+Dept1!A5+Dept2!A5+Dept3!A5...and so on.
    > I then changed it to this because it's much shorter:
    > =SUM('Dept1:Dept10'!A5)
    > The only problem is that there are other worksheets in this file as
    > well, and the users tend to move the placement of the worksheets around
    > to suit their needs, which would obviously make the second formula
    > inadequate if they moved one of the department worksheets out of the
    > listed range.
    > Is there a formula that "locks" the worksheet names so that all ten
    > worksheets will be included in the total, regardless of where they are
    > moved within the file?
    > --
    > LACA
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > LACA's Profile:
    > http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=30381
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=502742

  3. #3

    Re: Adding same cells across multiple worksheets

    try the following:


    which is an *array* formula (you must commit with Shift+Ctrl+Enter).
    This one will definitely ignore irrelevant sheets.

    Kostis Vezerides

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