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Evaluate(“ “) and [] Differences. Evaluated Array Return Needs extra Bracket for []()

  1. #1
    Forum Expert Doc.AElstein's Avatar
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    Evaluate(“ “) and [] Differences. Evaluated Array Return Needs extra Bracket for []()

    VBA Evaluate Method: “full “ Evaluate(“__”)(1) “works” ; “shorthand” [__](1) doesn't.


    I am simplifying some long code lines by replacing the “full” Evaluate Command

    with its “shorthand” Command

    Mostly this is going fine. Evem with some very complicated and long code line sections. But I hit a problem when a ( 1 Dimensional ) Array is returned and I try to “pick” of one element.

    THE ISSUE HERE is getting here “shorthand” Command to work in the same way that the “full” Command does. ( I am not interested at this stage in alternative ways to get the required ( column here ) information, thanks ! )

    Consider a simple Demo.
    I have a simple Range

    Using Excel 2007 32 bit

    I am using the “full” Evaluate Command in various code lines to get at things like the start column, column count , the indicies, etc.. of the Range.
    I also show the attempts at replacing some of the "Full" Evaluate command parts with the "shorthand" Evaluate equvalent part..., - ( At least I thought to was was equivalent, in the way I am applying it, at least )

    Line 11 in the following code is refusing to compile. This is my main problem currently.
    The error returned roughly translated to English is:
    Complie Error:
    “Wrong number of arguments or invalid assignment to a Property”

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    _ I can see no reason why this will not work
    11 ______ [column(B4:C6)](1)
    When this does:
    10 ______ Evaluate("column(B4:C6)")(1)

    _ It is further puzzling, as my workaround clearly works

    13 Dim vTemp As Variant
    14 Let vTemp = [column(B4:C6)]_____' Returns 1 Dimensional Array {2, 3}
    15 Let Cs = vTemp(1)______________' Returns first Array Element, = 2

    Unfortunately this workaround is not of use to me as I need / want to replace the “Full” bit with the “shorthand” bit in the same line.

    Can anyone spread any light on this, seeming, Anomaly... ( I am currently successfully substituting the “working” “shorthands” into some very complex and long code lines with no problem. Just this one Problem is holding me back )

    Thank you

    Last edited by Doc.AElstein; 06-01-2016 at 02:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert pike's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Evaluate Method: “full “ Evaluate(“__”)(1) “works” ; “shorthand” [__](1) doe

    Using square brackets is only identical to calling the Evaluate method with a string argument.
    Just invoke the evaluate engine as all your code is long hand
    Last edited by pike; 05-28-2016 at 06:38 PM.
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    Re: VBA Evaluate Method: “full “ Evaluate(“__”)(1) “works” ; “shorthand” [__](1) doe

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    Re: VBA Evaluate Method: “full “ Evaluate(“__”)(1) “works” ; “shorthand” [__](1) doe

    Hi Pike,
    Thanks for the reply.

    _1 ) The second link seems not too relevant to my actual problem, but a useful link none the less, thanks. – I have a separate issue with .Value and .Value2 , resulting in a Date format “evaluation” discrepancy, somewhere else.
    And maybe that could give me an insight into. But I do not think that is of too much relevance here.

    _2 ) The second link explains amongst other things the important difference between the ( call it square bracket version rather than “short hand, if you choose ) and the Other “Full” one. - That being
    “............. The advantage of using Evaluate is that the argument is a string, so you can either construct the string in your code or use a Visual Basic variable....”
    _2a) I think what you mean here
    Quote Originally Posted by pike View Post
    Using square brackets is only identical to calling the Evaluate method with a string argument.....
    is along the lines of the above
    I have tackled Evaluate a lot, and understand all that. But a useful link to have in the thread anyways, so thanks again

    _3 ) I have a specific issue here, that being that code line 11 does not work , whilst code 10 line does. In addition code lines 13, 14 and 15 also work - the latter making it seem clear that code line 11 should work

    _ At the end of the Evaluation Day, by the square bracket or the other way , I am left with an Array, which appears to be the same in both cases.
    _ I see no logical explanation as to why line 10 is not “working”

    Quote Originally Posted by pike View Post
    Using square brackets is only identical to calling the Evaluate method with a string argument.
    Just invoke the evaluate engine as all your code is long hand......
    Are you suggesting that, in terms, for example, of speed that there are no differences in the two ways? I ask as One of the reasons for me trying to “simplify” some code with the square bracket way was that i thought ( in my “only just a forum Expert.. Lol.. ignorance” ), that it might “run” faster. Maybe this is naive if at Compile VBA sees either and says “When I come here, I will “Invoke” “...........the Evaluate Engine, as it were....

    Thanks again for the reply, appreciate it

    Bill Gelatine

    Some Evaluate threads that may be relevant in parsing..
    Last edited by JackSheet_1; 05-28-2016 at 07:20 PM.

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    Re: VBA Evaluate Method: “full “ Evaluate(“__”)(1) “works” ; “shorthand” [__](1) doe

    Whose thread is this?
    Trevor Shuttleworth - Retired Excel/VBA Consultant

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    Forum Expert Doc.AElstein's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Evaluate Method: “full “ Evaluate(“__”)(1) “works” ; “shorthand” [__](1) doe

    Hi Jindon
    Quote Originally Posted by jindon View Post
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    Thanks so much. I am very grateful...

    I have seen this before.....

    Post 13 here

    I even thought I had tried it... I got thrown out by the fact that line 14 and 15 were working.

    I would really like to understand what is going on here...
    Can you help ?

    My Variant is maybe coercing somehow to get the right result? –
    Is the [ ] doing something different here.

    The error sort of ties up with Rory’s explanation in the above link –
    „…….parentheses are only necessary ….. to indicate that the last part is intended to be indices to the resulting array and not arguments passed ………“

    So although I maybe do not need this
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    _... why never the less does it not work..?

    I would really like to understand this
    Thanks again, this has got me "unstuck"

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    Re: VBA Evaluate Method: “full “ Evaluate(“__”)(1) “works” ; “shorthand” [__](1) doe

    Quote Originally Posted by TMS View Post
    Whose thread is this?
    I was so excited by Jindon's answer i jumped on the nearest computer, which was my wife's to quickly post Pike's reply.. She was logged in !! I did not notice, I thought i was still logged in from using her computer yesterday-- That's my story ...

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    Re: VBA Evaluate Method: “full “ Evaluate(“__”)(1) “works” ; “shorthand” [__](1) doe

    Not that you have an alter ego to respond to your threads ... instead of talking to yourself?

  9. #9
    Forum Expert pike's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Evaluate Method: “full “ Evaluate(“__”)(1) “works” ; “shorthand” [__](1) doe

    Worksheetfunction has a lower overhead than Evaluate
    worksheet.evaluate is faster than application.evaluate but has large overhead
    Worksheet.evaluate has comparable speed to a cell formula but a higher overhead
    beware of the quirks of evaluate

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    Re: VBA Evaluate Method: “full “ Evaluate(“__”)(1) “works” ; “shorthand” [__](1) doe

    Quote Originally Posted by pike View Post
    Worksheetfunction has a lower overhead than Evaluate
    worksheet.evaluate is faster than application.evaluate but has large overhead
    Worksheet.evaluate has comparable speed to a cell formula but a higher overhead
    beware of the quirks of evaluate
    Thanks again Pike,
    Can you clarify which is which there please?
    How does that tie up with what I was doing?

    I did see some very intersting results here
    Post # 15

    and here

    Something seemed to going on differently in where
    [ ]
    Evaluate(" ")
    somehow suggesting that [ ] was more "tied" to a Worksheet, not being as dependant on which module it was in as was the Evaluate(" ")

    _... I maybe need to review my own Old Posts ...

  11. #11
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    Re: VBA Evaluate Method: “full “ Evaluate(“__”)(1) “works” ; “shorthand” [__](1) doe

    Don't over evoke the evaluate engine and always determine which syntax is quicker, has less overheads, easiest to debug and change...its very good to replace loops or used in the those elegant one liners.
    Evaluate Functions and Formulas fun: How to make Excel’s Evaluate method twice as fast

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    Re: VBA Evaluate Method: “full “ Evaluate(“__”)(1) “works” ; “shorthand” [__](1) doe

    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.AElstein View Post
    Hi Jindon
    So although I maybe do not need this
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    _... why never the less does it not work..?
    Only my guess,
    Evaluate method can return Array itself, however short cut notation of evaluate[] will act as array(element can be referenced by an index) only when it loaded to the variable/output.
    So you need to add () in order to explicit to Array for [], but error when you add to the array itself for Evaluate.

    Again, no clear reson.
    Ask directly to the developer...
    Last edited by jindon; 05-28-2016 at 11:43 PM.

  13. #13
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    Alter Ego Where I go E goes .......:roleying eyes::

    Quote Originally Posted by TMS View Post
    Not that you have an alter ego to respond to your threads ... instead of talking to yourself?
    I find I often talk to in / myself, or whatever, or when writing a Post, or ramble... .
    Actually ,by preparing the question fully, I often find I answer the question myself.
    It is quite healthy. I would probably post loads more questions, if I did not think carefully about my question, before.
    It is bad, IOurVHO, to ask too spontaneously, - seems to waste a lot of time.
    Answering a bit too quick can also be bad - Well meant quick answers can confuse the issue ( And lose the OP the chance of getting picked up on a “Unanswered Threads” Search Button Wonk )

    And some of the few questions I ask, no one seems to know the answer to anyway ... Often my Thread stretches the bounds of Knowledge, which is also healthy, I think.

    alter ego ... Hmm that made him think..

    I think we might have something there,
    Made us think.....

    Very frustrating, -where’s He's gone again...I always seem to miss him by a few seconds...

    Me .... ?? Bill Gelatine

  14. #14
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    Invoke Pike Evaluate Rabbit Rabbit. How’s the Bunny ? Bunnytations Banters

    Invoke Pike Evaluate Rabbit Rabit. How’s the Bunny ? Bunnytation Banters

    Hi Pike
    Thanks for the Reply. I am still trying to understand a few things here...
    Quote Originally Posted by pike View Post
    Don't over evoke the evaluate engine ....
    I fear I shall continue to evoke, quite substantially, maybe a couple days more at least, amongst other reasons as the Wife is away..
    I know I should not do it. Lol !! RL will likely cause an abrupt end soon. Maybe a relief for everyone.

    2 ) Just some comments on that Charles Williams Link you gave. ( Its not much use too me )
    I have been to that site a lot. It is a good one. I had that link to Charles Williams Site given me a while back.

    _..But I got a lot more from discussing in that Gyan Blog that gave me that Link..
    _..That Evaluate Blog by Charles Williams is useful maybe if you are doing something very similar to what he has done his timing experiments on. Otherwise it is not Telling me anything,.
    I have many Threads kicking around myself where I compare the Evaluate Method ( Evaluate ( “ “ ) ) to other methods. I know it can be quicker in some Looping.
    Mostly in a Range Evalute Type way that seems to be the case.. *****
    But Some of the other Elegant one Liners do not always come out faster than Looping, apparantly..


    _3) Different Evaluate versions?? - What are they exactly....
    .......But.........I am no further in getting a clear picture of the differences,.. - this is still open:
    Quote Originally Posted by pike View Post
    Worksheetfunction has a lower overhead than Evaluate
    worksheet.evaluate is faster than application.evaluate but has large overhead
    Worksheet.evaluate has comparable speed to a cell formula but a higher overhead
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.AElstein View Post
    Thanks again Pike,
    Can you clarify which is which there please?
    How does that tie up with what I was doing?

    _ What I meant there was which is which ? how many are there of these
    whatever else
    how many versions are there ? ??

    Up until now I was just comparing
    Evaluate(“ “)
    [ ].
    That was bad enough!
    _3a) How many more variations are there? ???

    3b) Implicitly Implied version of Evaluate when using = Evaluate(“ “)
    _...What I have been using by ignorantly relying in the Implicit default – when I always do this in my code...
    Evaluate(“ “)
    _....what has that been defaulting to?? ????

    3c) Assuming for now that there is two versions of the Evaluate ( other than the [ ] ), then is there some significant difference between
    _.. compared to other thiings like the Index and Match, as example.?? The reson why I ask is...
    _.....I have had some quite intensive discussions on things Like Index or Match when it comes to which one of two I am using, for example
    Application.WorksheetFunction.Index(__ __ 'Worksheet Function Index Worksheet Fuction
    Application.Index(____________________ 'Application Index Worksheet Fuction

    _. Now I have there
    Application Index
    Worksheet Function Index
    _.. But most ( real ) experts tell me they are both Worksheet Functions. ( And I have discussed to death the differences, - no one is 100 % sure about that !! )

    I note here that I cannot do
    Index ' --- This will error - neads Application.Index or Application.WorksheetFunction.
    _.. what is this telling me ( if anything ) about Evaluate - Is there some signiificance to this ?????


    _4) Just some comments again here *****

    Quote Originally Posted by pike View Post
    .....its very good to replace loops or used in the those elegant one liners......
    .. I certainly concur (agree ) with that...? ... mostly....I have some epic Threads on that Theme, comparing the speeds etc.
    _..... my next instalment to Evaluate one liners Wonk will be published shortly here:
    _... worth a subscription, IMHO..
    Thanks to Jindon I have been able to get on with that one!! – be posting shortly... The “ Daily ( Morning ) dose of Excel Fox.. Lol.. Wonk..poo “ ; )
    But I do note that it seems to be best in Range Evaluate type situations, pseodo code:
    rngOut.Value=Evaluate("rngIn & some action on it____ ")

    _ that beiing a faste option often then the loopiing ( pseudo ) code
    __For Cnt = 1 To N
    ___Let rngOut(Cnt) = rngIn(Cnt) and some action on it _____
    __Next Cnt

    Thanks again for the Replies
    Alstein Coffeemacher
    Allan Bill Gelatine making a Coffee

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    Evaluate [ ] and Evaluate(“ “). Properties , AloPerties - Dynamic Coding Wonks

    Evaluate Function [ ] and Evaluate Function Evaluate(“ “)
    Just adding some solutions before marking the Thread as solved.... maybe..
    The answer to the original question seems to require some understanding of Evaluate Function [ ] and Evaluate(“ “) differences.....

    _1 ) What’s the Difference
    Evaluate(---here a “ “ type string thing--).......Evaluate (stringexpression) -- Post #7 http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/696820-quotes-visual-basic-applications.html

    The main difference is that [ ] does not take a string, it takes exactly as you write , for example, in a Spreadsheet cell.
    The advantage of using Evaluate(“ “ ) is that the argument is a string, so you can use Visual Basic variables within it.”

    It is Often said that this limits to hard coding, for example not being able to build up some dynamic ( for example ( cell ) referencing. ( I have often read this: “ can't build up the address string if you use the [] notation ). - Incorrect IMO. So here, Just a quick demo – extending my code from Post #1, ( which “works” now!! Thanks to Jindon!! ) .. “..

    So I demo the dynamic referencing of an Area of contiguous cells in a Spreadsheet whilst using the [ ] way of Evaluate. And I compare it with variations of the Evaluate(“ “) alternative as well as the standard VBA Range Referencing way

    _..._2 ) Dynamic ( Non hardcoding ) range referencing of a an Area of contiguous cells in a Spreadsheet using [ ] , Evaluate(“ “) and VBA Range

    ( This is based on an idea by and kalak http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-q...s-dangers.html
    And snb

    A Code showing a bit more detail to that is here, ( in particular it shows in detail how to Obtain grid coordinates for an Area of contiguous cells in a Spreadsheet using [ ] and Evaluate(“ “) through the use of a Named Range for that Area:

    The key ( to the [ ] way “working” in the non hard Coding sense ) is the use of a Named Worksheet Range. This does not require use of quotes “ “. The dynamicy non hard coding is achieved by being able to Create a Named Range, and from there on referencing it by its name as you would in a Spreadsheet without any quotes. “ “

    _2 b) So Brief description of simplified code presented below
    Being already overwhelmed with VBA I try to limit using as many different things as possible, but it is so easy and one less step than assigning a variable to a Range Object, so worth “learning” it......

    From Line 20

    Simple assigning of a Spreadsheet range of contiguous cells to a Name held within a Worksheet Names Register.

    Line 80 The “Thing” used to reference the contiguous cells is assigned.

    Line 130 is the standard range Object assignment ,
    Line 140 is the comparable assigning of a Name to the same Area within a worksheet.
    There appears something subtle in the difference here of the two versions,
    _.. more on that in a very final post here if I sort out why the extra () is or is not needed..

    From Line 150 Properties assignment is demonstrated for the different ways

    From Line 180 ,
    the rest of the code gives extensive variations and combinations of then 3 ways to get at some typical Properties. These are the Referenced “Area” Row, Column, Rows Count, Columns Count, Properties and finally the Stop Row and Stop Column Area of Contiguous Cells "AloPerties".
    William Turner, Bill Gelatine

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    Last edited by Doc.AElstein; 05-31-2016 at 06:32 PM.

  16. #16
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    Re: VBA Evaluate Method: “full “ Evaluate(“__”)(1) “works” ; “shorthand” [__](1) doe


    Couple of points:
    1. There is no such thing as WorksheetFunction.Evaluate
    2. [] and Evaluate are not the same. They are very similar but clearly not using the same code base. For example, you can include a vba variable in [] (though it is fairly pointless) whereas it will simply fail in Evaluate.
    3. Worksheet.Evaluate will evaluate a formula in the context of the specified worksheet, rather than the active one.

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    Re: VBA Evaluate Method: “full “ Evaluate(“__”)(1) “works” ; “shorthand” [__](1) doe

    @rorya: heh, heh, love the location. Not as bad as it could be then?

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    Re: VBA Evaluate Method: “full “ Evaluate(“__”)(1) “works” ; “shorthand” [__](1) doe

    Seemed appropriate. A lot of time spent waiting, then it all goes to hell.

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    Re: VBA Evaluate Method: “full “ Evaluate(“__”)(1) “works” ; “shorthand” [__](1) doe


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    I feel the power growing in me ... erge ... erge

    Quote Originally Posted by TMS View Post
    @rorya: heh, heh, love the location. Not as bad as it could be then?

    The power it is urging in me us , .. erge ... erge.... oh no

    Unfortunately your post does not comply with Rule 2 of our Forum RULES. Do not post a question in the thread of another member -- start your own thread.
    If you feel an existing thread is particularly relevant to your need, provide a link to the other thread in your new thread.
    Old threads are often only monitored by the original participants. New threads not only open you up to all possible participants again, they typically get faster response, too.

    _....... Applolgies - i erged too soon

    EDIT: or too late
    Last edited by Doc.AElstein; 06-01-2016 at 02:32 AM.

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    Evaluate Function [ ] and Evaluate(“ “). Properties , AloPerties and Methiods - Dynamic C

    Hi Rory
    Thanks for the Input
    _1) Thanks, - I had not got around to checking that. ( still not sure what you or anyone are referring to by Application and Worksheet evaluate – seems to be separate to [ ] Or Not . No one has a clear answer to that yet

    _2) Evaluate are not the same. They are very similar but clearly not using the same code base.
    That is the basis of a “closing “Blog” I will do later to finish this thread
    – that is all “hidden” in what I have written.
    a couple of points
    _2(i) you can include a vba variable in [] (though it is fairly pointless) whereas it will simply fail in Evaluate
    _ One of us is mixed up there, as I see it: Not sure if you're Drunk ??
    you can include a vba variable in Evaluate(“ “ & vbVariablleyWonk &” “ ) (and it is very un pointless ) whereas it will simply fail in [ ]. .. well maybe not..........
    _2(ii)........ as I showed , through the use of a Worksheet Range Name, you can to all intents and purpose do very close to doing vba Un Hard coded in [ ]- ( Not sure if a Workbooks .Name is a Variable is a vba Variable. If it is then clearly you can put a vba Variable in [ ] ......

    _3) ,Depending on which Evaluate your talking about, . – something related to that may help solve the mystery of the extra () needed in my codes with the [ ]


    tl;dr - I sympathise, I just needed a few hours to fathererm out what the f__k I was talking about here:
    _ but it was worth it - .....................
    _................ it seems I came close to solving this problem there... some one else, ( use a simple pseudo made up name like Rompering in the grounds until his soul can be laid to rest” to save his reputation, - he did a Jindon magic there. )... But i’d lost the Thread there, if you take my meaning

    Sounds like we both have not quite got this one clear, I guess I will probably strigten it out later..
    _ No one seems to know which evalute they are talking about.... I read 2 - 3 depending on how you read what they say, even here
    he maybe talking about 3 verssions or no one is sure if [ ] is ashorthand for one of the other two... or more likely as often, even the best people do not know, and are not too happy to admit it.. I will have a think asnd maybe sort it later...
    but always welcome your comments; thanks again tl;dr have a feeling you might have been TD TR too drunk to read as you appear mixed up .... : rolley rolley drunk eyes :

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    EDIT: Thanks for the Bunny Rabbit Rep
    Last edited by Doc.AElstein; 06-01-2016 at 02:38 AM.

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    Re: VBA Evaluate Method: “full “ Evaluate(“__”)(1) “works” ; “shorthand” [__](1) doe

    Hi Alan

    I hate to say this, but it just sounds like you're struggling to go to the toilet

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    Re: VBA Evaluate Method: “full “ Evaluate(“__”)(1) “works” ; “shorthand” [__](1) doe


    What I mean is that you can't do this:
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    whereas you can do this:
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    There are 3 forms of evaluation:
    1. []
    2. Application.Evaluate() - which works in the context of the active sheet, so:
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    would refer to A1 on whichever sheet happens to be active.
    3. Worksheet.Evaluate() - which uses the context of that worksheet, so:
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    will refer to A1 on the specified sheet, regardless of which sheet is active.

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    Foraying down VBA Bunny Holes ‘till r souls are laid to rest in the Toilet, TL;DR:TD;TR:T

    Thanks again form the reply.

    A bit of TL DR TD TR

    _1) Evaluate “Versions”
    _ Thanks for the clarification on the
    1.1 [ ] ________________ “Short Hand”
    1.2. Application.Evaluate __ Application Evaluate
    1.3. xdjddg.Evaluate ______ Worksheet Evaluate, where xdjddg is a Worksheet Object reference####

    _ – I had just about got that from a bit of Googling this morning, so that makes a nice clarification there. Got that sussed then, thanks! I am re- experimenting again with exactly how / where that referencing goes just now, post a bit later Today or tomorrow on that !!!!

    _(i)#### This__ Worksheet.Evaluate__ is pseudo code , correct? __ Worksheet __ must be a valid Worksheet reference as in your second code snippet
    _(ii) Which would you Think would be the Default, when I use Evaluate. –
    _ - Or does it get complicated like:..
    In a Worksheet Module it will default to that Worksheet and take the Worksheet.Evaluate version..
    In a Normal Module it will default to the Application.Evaluate.
    _(iii).. Is it possible that you mean by this..._....
    ".....Application.Evaluate() - which works in the context of the active sheet,...."
    _..............maybe you meant rather:
    Application.Evaluate() - which works in the context of the Application Evaluate which in most cases will refer to the Active Sheet, as is the case with an unqualified Range reference
    If you are not too sure, I will tell you and the world after my experiments...maybe

    _2) All the rest......
    _.......... I think I follow you now , a bi,t , thanks, - Can’t see how it ties up with what you said last night, but never mind . it confirms maybe that you were drunk Lol : )
    I think getting to grips with a couple of things, as i am, just now is the key to getting all this sorted....

    _2a ) getting a good feel for quotes in vba, as I almost have,

    _2b) getting to grips with specifically what is meant by your
    They are very similar but clearly not using the same code base:::..........

    Below in next Post and here_................
    _.......................is my Modified version of your demo Code form Post #23 .
    In that:

    Rem 1) _________ 'Evaluate(" ")
    _ This builds a string like what you would in a cell when you want a “evaluation” of a formula
    Evaluate(“ “) is happy with that......

    Rem 2) ( and ‘3a) __ [ ]
    _ I think this looks directly almost** as if you wrote what is in [ ] in a cell, ( **almost – the code base almost says just read as Excel does in the cell..... )
    _ The code base sort of “takes it at face value.. ( suggesting “quickness” )*

    Rem 3) You can: pass an Array by Value Lol.. and
    put a vba variable in [ ], that is to say one vba variable in [ ]

    To Explain:
    _3a) [Variable].
    The VBA Name Object represents a defined name for a range of cells. That is an Object. What you write inside [ ] is text of the name itself. So this is not, maybe, a VBA Variable, but it is variable, ( A "Spreadsheet Name" ? ) so it is something that you can vary, so it is Variable, so it is a Variable thing, - the thing that goes in [ ] can therefore be variable,

    So it is "not“hard coding" and is "dynamic”....
    It could be that a part of the code base for [ ] will, for such as a Name reference , line 160 “evaluate” to return the range object referenced by its name “CoN”
    ( Note: “CoN” is actually probably held in memory as an Address. For a single Address ( which can also be an Area of multi contiguous Cells ), Evaluate generally in all its versions will return a range object_...

    _3b) But , Also, you can also put one vba Variable in there
    Line 180 A vba variable is made and filled
    Line 190 That variable’s value is used to Name a range using the .Name Property.
    Line 200 [ ] will work “directly” at “face” value of that vba Variable returning the Name of the Named Range
    Of course, BTW, your sTemp is a vba Varable also, so you were doing something similar – you used a vba variable in [ ]

    I think I am slowly getting there, almost...
    Rem 4 ) Getting close to Solving the Mystery
    Important really is the different results for Line 200 and 270 which both use the same vba Variable
    _.. I think I need a bit more to think about it, but...
    _..............I think my Final solution to this Thread _........ ( renamed now a bit to reflect the Problem / solution better to aid in a Google search on this Theme:. One thing good about the EF software ; ) ) ::::
    _.......will be along the lines

    The main code base difference in [ ] and Evaluate(“ “) is that....

    _A) [ ] is “directer”, things will be taken close to “Face value”. Or goes just “one level down”. ( sugesting it is a bit quicker ) * So In the Name case, if it is given The Name of the Named Range, It will look up maybe in the Spreadsheet range Name Manager register and return the Variable of the Range Object referenced . If it gets a Variable with that Named Range’s name in it , then it will do the “face value wonk thing”, and like with your sTemp it will return the first thing it finds which is that actual Variable of the String of the Name, rather than the Variable of Range Object it refers to.

    _B) Evaluate(“ “) starts with building a string - it does not directly take it as what is in a cell. If it ends up with something like a simple bit of text, it will ( if necessary ) add a = and take that "formula2 as what to "evaluate". ( There may be some vague resemblance to what Pike said to Albert in Post #2 Using square brackets is only identical to calling the Evaluate method with a string argument. .. He may well have had an idea, or it was just Bunny banters ..)
    So, But, as in line 270 it goes a bit further..... If it gets a Named Range it probably first does a bit of "Worksheet ( for xdjddg.Evaluate ) or Application ( for Application.Evaluate ) location of searching" , then sees what it has and then does not stop before it arrives at the final “Parent”... ( Code base says go back up to Parent, and evaluate that - suggesting a bit longer..... )
    All this _B) stuff means things will be carried, loaded or whatever , probably in Variant Type type variables ....
    So as in my original extra () thing Problem ( or rather solution from jindon )
    _ For the Evaluate(“ Column(_:_ ) ”) Type thing bringing me back an Array, I will be given an Array.
    _ For the [ ] it will be like that DicKtionary thing we got into_.......
    _...... the Evaluate will return some reference ( “Pointer ?? ) – to The Variable of that “Thing” which it is not quite sure what it is yet... The error I get is that sort of what you ( or I ) said back then.... VBA does not know what the thing following is, it might think you are giving some argument to pass to a Method or Property. This extra () directs it down to another level.

    I will probably refine those last bits into a long ‘Line that stretches in the hidden code window to the right, then I will be out of here..



    P.s. No rush at all on this one, a separate, but bit related question, ....it has thrown me off just Now...
    If / when you have the time....

    Two codes here I thought would clean out any Range Names.
    I thought they should do the same

    I tried, and in course of my current experiments I have retried the codes again, ( on what was originally an old file including sheets from an OP or two... as well as my latest experiments with Named Ranges...)

    The first time I ran this
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    _.........................It found and deleted two things, ( things I did not recognise from an old OP’s sheet I think )
    It did not delete any Named Range that I had added.
    Since then it never does anything after I do things like line 150 and Line 190 from my code below in Next Post. ( They do the ___.Name =__ thing )

    But :-
    this code seems to do what I want
    , removing the named ranges that I add by things such as in my line 150 and Line 190 ( from my code below in Next Post )
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    ??? Not sure what that is telling me.. I may twig as I by Product of what i am playing with just now,......


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    Re: Foraying down VBA Bunny Holes ‘till r souls are laid to rest in the Toilet, TL;DR:TD;

    Code for last Post # 24

    ( _.....Code also Here:

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    Re: Evaluate(“ “) and [] Differences. Evaluated Array Return Needs extra Bracket for []()

    Names can be scoped to worksheet or workbook level. Your first code will only delete the former.

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    Re: Evaluate(“ “) and [] Differences. Evaluated Array Return Needs extra Bracket for []()


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    Evaluate(“ “) and [] Differences. Evaluated Array Return Needs extra Bracket for []()

    [ ] ..__ Evaluate(“ “) ....__ . Range(“ “) ..__ . Named Ranges ......__ ....... Summary

    This is just adding a Penultimate Thread as part of a Final Summarising Solution to this Thread.

    A key to solving fully this thread an understanding of the use of Named Ranges in VBA ( and Spreadsheets ) , in particular with their different ways of usage associated with the different forms of VBA Evaluate, the_...
    [ ]
    _....And various
    Evaluate(“ “)
    _........ways , along with the “standard” VBA Range referencing through
    _...............Range(“ “)

    _. In support of this post I have done a large amount of measurements trying to consider every possible combination of code lines using all of the above methods when referencing a range which for simplicity I have taken as the first cell in a Worksheet, ( having the “reserved by Bill Gates or whoever” Named Range “A1” “ !! )
    ( These results are “farmed out to an appendix thread. Here I attempt to just summarize the results )

    The emphasis was on using a “Alan made” Named Range for that first cell. The name used is “CoN” – A close to comparison to “reserved by Bill Gates or whoever” Named Range “A1”

    This Named Range was originally used in the first Post in this Thread ( and reflecting the point of the Thread and the consequent initial problem ) to make the
    [ ]
    Way of evaluate more “non hard cody stylio” (in other words not restricted to hard coding of a Range object within the [ ] )
    This lead to the original problem prompting this Thread, and the solution was found to ( at least in order to understand it ) require some understanding of how “differently”
    [ ]
    “works” compared to the other methods which by nature are much more “non hard cody stylo”.

    _ The last few Posts actually covered all of the above fairly well, ( in particular Post #24 and Post # 25 ) but Scope has also reared its ugly head a bit, and so some discussion of that is given here.
    Scope in this context is very generally talking in a very wide sense about on and / or from “where” our codes will work when accessing from or pasting to, or generally interacting with the named Range.

    Three long codes are considered which are virtually the same Code. ( Each code had to be split in two to get it in a Post, but they are not separate parts: the First part second part of each code needs to be copies immediately under the first in the same Appropriate Modulee### )
    These are used to repeat ( mostly the same ) experiments in 3 different ### Code Modules:

    _1) The “correct” ( for want of a better word ) Worksheet Code Module, that is to say the Worksheet code Module of the Worksheet in which our Named Range is, ( Worksheet "BracketWonk" )
    Code: Sub EvaluateRngNmesInWorksheet_BracketInWorksheetModuleBracketWonk()

    Results and discussions: “Re: Range(“ “)__ Evaluate(“ “) __ [ ] __ Differences in Named Range Referencing”


    _2) The “wrong” Worksheet Code Module
    , that is to say any other Worksheet code Module
    Code Sub EvaluateRngNmesInWorksheet_BracketInWorksheetModuleStan()

    Results and discussions: “Foraying down Worksheet Scope Named ranges further than any uneducated man has ever been” http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...t=#post4403770


    _3) a Normal Code Module
    Code Sub EvaluateRngNmesInWorksheet_InNormalCodeModule()

    Results and discussions: “Doing it Normal Code Module Styleo”


    In the next Post the basic Code Structure will be discussed along with all the important Results and Conclusions.

    The first code _1) will be gone through in detail, but any differences in the other two codes are just minor ones to help bring up any impotent points.

    ( Note the last code given which goes in a Normal Code Module also included the KillWBNamedRanges Pubic Sub Code required in all three main codes )_........................


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    Sub EvaluateRngNmesInWorksheet_BracketInWorksheetModuleBracketWonk() ....:-)

    The first code _1)
    Sub EvaluateRngNmesInWorksheet_BracketInWorksheetModuleBracketWonk()
    will be gone through in detail, but any differences in the other two codes are just minor ones to help bring up any impotent points.
    ( Note the last code given which goes in a Normal Code Module also included the KillWBNamedRanges Pubic Sub Code required in all three main codes )

    General Code explanation for
    Sub EvaluateRngNmesInWorksheet_BracketInWorksheetModuleBracket()

    Rem 1) Worksheets Info
    _1a) The usual Declaring of a Variable and assigning to our main Worksheet “BracketWonk” has some more significance when talking about Evaluate(“ “). This is because one way , referred to as the Worksheets Evaluate, does not alone have some distinguishing bit before, resulting in something like
    Worksheets. Evaluate(“ “).
    WorksheetFunction.Evaluate(“ “)

    So in order to “get it” , it is simply preceded by a Worksheet Object, resulting in such a code bit
    Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Evaluate(“ “)
    Or in our case due to the declaration we have
    ws.Evaluate(“ “)

    It is not clear from the documentation, if this is really a separate way or just how Evalute works when used after a
    I exploit this uncertainty to allow for a number of Evalute “ways” to be discussed later.. !!!

    _1b), 1c) “Resets”, as it were the Worksheets:

    Putting some arbitrary value , “Text in A1” in the “correct” Worksheet, Worksheets ”BracketWonk”
    Putting some arbitrary value , “Text in Stan's A1” in the “wrong” Worksheet, Worksheets ”Stan”

    A simple Routine is called which Loops through the Workbook Names Collection Object and deletes any Named Ranges in the Workbook, effectively removing all Named Range Objects in the Workbook.

    80 Rem 2) Named Ranges are made using initially the simple "one Liner" already discussed in detail
    85 '2a) Workbooks Scope....
    90 Let ws.Range("A1").Name = "CoN" ‘ Our original Named Range used from the outset of this Thread.
    The discussion is extended a bit here, to cover the Scope ideas...That original “Short cut” way is more fully done with
    120 ThisWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="CoN", RefersTo:=ws.Range("A1")
    The simple code line was defaulting to this “Workbooks scope”

    125 '2b) Worksheets Scope
    We need to consider a fairly complicated variation of when / where / what different Named ranges are accessed. Four different Named Ranges are scoped here to Worksheets Scope, in different ways

    140 '2c) Name Object, Name Property , Name Name Wonks
    A badly documented concept in VBA seems to be the “Name” or “Names” “things” So this code section tries t clear that up a bit, ( at least in relation to the Named Ranges as discussed in this Thread ) , .Name is used a lot in the experiments. I am not probably being 100 % technically correct with my explanations, as they are concentrating on applying to the current problem and I am already wandering of down the various Pit Holes that have cropped up while trying to get an adequate understanding to solve ( with explanations ) the original Problem.......

    .Name is an Object, a “under” Object I think, at least here it is an under Object of a Range Object, specifically in out discussions an Object “under” or “belonging to” the first Cell which we have “Named” originally “CoN”

    Amongst other things .Name has a .Name Property

    So to return our “CoN” we need to do this
    = ws.Range("A1").Name.Name
    = “Con”

    What confuses the issue a bit is that, as often with Objects, VBA, will return you a string that is somehow related to the Object if you “use” .Name by
    Declaring it to a String Variable like
    Dim wsNamestrObjA1_CoN As String: Let wsNamestrObjA1_CoN = ws.Range("A1").Name
    _...Or just “using it” in some way such as
    Debug.Print ws.Range("A1").Name

    In our case the above gives us, in general, this form of string

    It is important to grasp that so as to distinguish “what we get” in the experiments.
    So a few code lines go through various ways of “getting .Name and .Name
    Just step through in Debug Mode ( F8 ) asnd hover over the various variables in the VB Editor code window, and it can easily be seen what is going on

    170 Rem 3 Some Preparation
    Some final preparation includes clearing and opening the Immediate Window, as the idea of the rest of the Code is to print out various results alongside what was done too achieve those results..

    I Note here that if you run any of the three codes outright, then for some strange reason the results in the Immediate window “vanish” at the End. - ..... I have no idea why that is, ???? but never mind, - it is intended to run the Code in Debug ( F8 ) anyways to see what is going on !!!!

    180 Rem 4) get / use Named Range
    A large amount of experiments are made, broadly grouped by three Main Groups [ ] ..__ Evaluate(“ “) ....__ Range(“ “) .., but this is further grouped as Evalute(“ “) splits up, ......

    190 '4a)... Range(" ")

    390 '4b)... [ ]

    590 '4c)... Application Evaluate ( Application.Evaluate(" ") )

    790 '4d)... Worksheet Evaluate ( ws.Evaluate(" ") )

    In fact it finally falls out that we have available

    Range(" ")

    [ ]

    Worksheets [ ] ____ ___ ________( ws.[ ] )

    Worksheet Evaluate(" “) ___ ______ ( ws.Evaluate(" ") )

    Application Evaluate(" “) ___ ________ ( Application.Evaluate(" ") )

    Worksheet Application Evaluate(" “)__ ( ws.Application.Evaluate(" ") )

    Evaluate(“ “) ___________________ ( Evaluate(" ") )

    ( and that is ignoring ws.Range(" ") ... for now, which might arguably be regareded as as valid as ws.Evaluate(" ")

    Some attempt is made to give Results and Conclusions in detail for usage of them all in the Three different code Modules,

    _1) The “correct” ( for want of a better word ) Worksheet Code Module, that is to say the Worksheet code Module of the Worksheet in which our Named Range is, ( Worksheet "BracketWonk" )
    “Re: Range(“ “)__ Evaluate(“ “) __ [ ] __ Differences in Named Range Referencing”

    _2) The “wrong” Worksheet Code Module
    , that is to say any other Worksheet code Module
    “Foraying down Worksheet Scope Named ranges further than any uneducated man has ever been” http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...t=#post4403770

    _3) a Normal Code Module
    “Doing it Normal Code Module Styleo”


    ( Note the last code given which goes in a Normal Code Module also included the KillWBNamedRanges Function Code required in all three main codes )

    In the next Posts it is attempted just to summarise important Conclusions from those three codes and results

  30. #30
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    Range(“ “) , [ ], Named Ranges & more Evaluate(" “) combinations than of knew existence ;)

    How do Range(“ “) , [ ], Named Ranges & more Evaluate combinations than anyone knew existed Evaluate(“ “) work then?

    Codes in the “correct” Worksheets Code Module

    Range(“ “) and [ ]
    We do not learn too much here just a refresh of memory we will always “get from” or “go to” or “put in” the Worksheet of whose Code Module the code is in. We see for the first time the often given as basic difference in these two in terms of the difficulties in building in taking a variable such as a String variable strNme and using that to get at something like a Range Object in the usual way ( other than the Named range way the discussion of which were made earlier in the Thread.
    That could in some cases an Advantage, for example, if we want the string Name of the named range
    450 [strNme] ' Stops at evaluating the vba String variable, returning its string value "CoN"
    being quicker than this
    455 Range(""A1"").Name.Name ' The Name Object of the Range Object, ( returning on "asking" by default a string of form "=BracketWonk!$A$1 referrence stylio" ). That in turn has the .Name Property applied to finally get the String Name "Con"

    Evaluate(" ")

    _. The next set of code sections dealing with the various Evaluate(" ") ways are not in this case of the code in the “correct” Worksheet code Module telling us too much. Even if we are not yet sure exactly how things work from the referencing / Scopy side of things, we are quasi in a “Belt and Braces” situation, initially our default Range Name being in the Sheet having Workbook scope, and unqualified references generally by default going to the Worksheet if a code is in that sheet Module. So we do not see many “fails” at first glance, and all references are seeming to go to this Worksheet.

    _a) because of the use of quotes “ “ within the Evaluate(" ") and that we see Evaluate will build up first that string before quasi by default adding a “=” then doing as if in a cell the evaluation. Coming back to the limit of the [strNme] from previously we , explained here as
    Evaluate(”=” & “” & strNme & “”),
    Or simply
    All „versions“ give here the same results….and we see…
    _b) there is in fact 4 versions of the Evaluate(“ “) , at least at this point of the discussion, and / or at least in terms of that "available in Code" to us

    Application Evaluate(" ")

    Worksheet Application Evaluate(" ")

    Worksheet Evaluate(" ")

    Evaluate(" ")


    Codes in the “wrong” Worksheets Code Module
    This gets more revealing as we might expect having taken the Braces off now we are in a Code Module of a different Worksheet, and I decided to make it fun by loosening the belt and making some Scopy things Worksheet scope, instead of the “safe” global..... just to see......and make it interesting..

    Range(“ “)._____
    Two main differences come up here when comparing with the last post test ( same code running in Worksheet “BracketWonk”, the "right" one as it were )
    _1) The Unqualified range references attempting to reference the Named Range ( “CoN” ) fail despite that the Named Range has Global Scope.
    Interesting but very understandable:. - The code lines failing are attempting to return a Range Object for the first cell in Worksheet “Stan”, The error accordingly is “" Runtime Error 1004 Application- or object-defined error " . ( I note in passing a reference to the Named Range "Con" within the Spreadsheet does “work”. Clearly the Implicitly implied or Explicitly explied Range reference to "Con" will then look in the Workbook, by virue of the Workbooks Scope, for that Range in the "correct" sheet. )
    These errors also occur for either Worksheets "BracketWonk" or "Stan" selected -This is expected as is normal with Range referencing in the Worksheet Code Module unqualified Worksheet references for a Range will go to the Worksheet whose Code Module contains the code

    _1b) Note in addition that Line 210 is failing, ( and that also when selecting any Worksheet ) Once Again Worksheet "Stan" is being referenced here, and there is no Name Object ( under Object ) for the Range Object of the first cell in Worksheet "Stan"

    _2) Unqualified range references for "putting things in" are going to the Worksheet in which the code is in. This is as expected. No big surprises there either.

    The selected Worksheet did not affect any results for Range(“ “)

    _3) Some extra lines have been included just for this code. These go a bit off at a tangent conveniently to Foray the Worksheet Scope a bit more.._...... Append I did it then ** here...
    _............ Append I do - Foraying the Worksheet Scope Named Ranges a bit more for Chris Guru Blog


    [ ].________

    There are some interesting results here, but again mostly understandable...
    _The results for [ ] are very similar to the last code test ( that for [ ] working in the Worksheet where the Named Range is the "correct" one, Worksheet “BracketWonk” ). (We do not get the many errors as in Range(“ above – we are referencing the Named Range, not looking for that named range in Worksheet “Stan” – but we did also not get those errors for the last code )
    Only the first few lines referencing A1 are different. I thought This could be explained as the following: It would appear for
    [ ]
    the unqualified references are going the Worksheet scope of the Named Range in question. The thinking here was that Bill Gates or whoever, scoped A! To the Worksheet Stan in this case.
    But the extra code lines that use my Worksheet scoped range "ShtCon" do not work. So it appeared to be something special going on here that a simple logic cannot explain.
    But you note that
    [ ]
    is catching our Workbook scope Range Name “CoN”. Now this could be telling us that Bill Gates or whoever, scope A! To the Workbook.
    But somehow there is an internal “memory” bit to do with Excel that knows which of the A!!it is... Or more complex , the same Template is slid across the same cell and this “allowed” in terms of such reserved Named Ranges for the all worksheets. This is just another way of explaining how Workbook scope works. ( Or for that matter how Worksheets scope works.. there the slide will not allow through when passing the Excel cell. The fact that the errors are bit different could be a further subtlety far to down for anyone to Foray . ( This could however be some of the "complex wiring referred to that is a contributing factor to that we mortals are not permitted to Set a New Worksheet Object )

    _ It Just to clarify: Lines 400 420 430 440 445 are all returning the Range Object. So is 410. But Line 410 is further trying to access the Name Object for that unqualified Range Object , which will , because it is unqualified here apply to Worksheets "Stan" which has no Name Object associated with it. Line 480 is OK as ws. Qualifies the Range Object to refer to ws. , that is Worksheets "BracketWonk"

    We see an advantage of [ ] over Range(“ “) for the unqualified Worksheet case in that it is “evaluating” correctly the correct “Reference / Address / Object” from the Range Name. It is not being “pulled off course as it were as Range(“ “) is by virtual of first “evaluating fully” the string then applying that to the implied Worksheet ( the “wrong” one in this case )
    But ... a very important result from the transgression to “Append I did it then **” was that when changing the Scope to Worksheet, our name which we “Worksheet Scopied” to the “correct” Worksheet “ShtCoN” could no longer be “got at” with [ ].
    This is getting to the Bottom of the effect of Scoping.. the Scoping is talking about "from where" something that is "Scopied" may "get to it" .... Very important coming right back to the original problem here. ...
    [ ] is quasi "taking a Dump " in the ( here our fist cell ) or dumping what it has directly there. it does not "fanny about" first making a String then loading it into a (Range) variable to get some direction. Translating to our case here [ ] drops the correct Named Range which is still going to the correct sheet, but from there is not allowed to reference it.
    And note the
    did "circumvent" and it did then "work"

    The selected Worksheet did not effect any results for [ ]

    Evaluate(" ")
    I repeated the experiments as shown in the given Link at the start of this Post, taking care to repeat them for one or the other Worksheets selected...
    An important result with
    ws.Application.Evaluate and Application.Evaluate
    is that they are performing identical to
    [ ],
    except that the unqualified Range references are going to the Active Sheet rather than the Worksheet of the Code Module ( I think I may have heard that that is the case usually for “Application things” )

    For Worksheet Evaluate(" ") Regardless of sheet selected, un surprisingly "All" is "Working" - going to or working on Worksheets "BracketWonk"
    It does slightly beg the question as to whether we have a Worksheet Evaluate or rather ws.Evaluate is like ws.Range... In any case if we do have a Worksheet Evaluate then I can have all my versions of evaluate.. at least for now....


    Evaluate(“ “)
    Gives Identical results to Application Evaluate and Worksheet Application Evaluate, suggesting that is the default.



    _3) a Normal Code Module
    Code Sub EvaluateRngNmesInWorksheet_InNormalCodeModule()

    “BracketWonk” Worksheet selected.

    Everything is going to the “Worksheet “BracketWonk” . Almost everything is working except the discussed attempt to work on_.....
    _...............as if it were an Object after the evaluation

    Worksheets “Stan” Selected

    As expected only difference to last run is that unqualified references to A1 are going to the Active Sheet

    More detailed results in the Link given above
    Last edited by Doc.AElstein; 06-05-2016 at 08:21 PM.

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    Falling down in a Pit Hole of VBA Named Ranges

    More Named Range Scope Wonks. Problems when Worksheet Scoped Worksheet is different from Worksheet referred to in RefersTo:= Range Object argument

    This is a another partial solution to the This Thread
    I thought I had enough here to mark the Thread as solved, or at least the Scope side of it. But a Pit fall popped up, so I get that out of the way here for future reference.

    I noticed that when a Worksheet Scoped Sheet is different from the Worksheet referred to in the
    Range Object, then there are problems using the given string, hardcoded, to the Evaluating bit. This forms the basis of the way discussed here to the “trick” to allow Dynamic Coding whilst using the [ ] way of evaluate, so it is very relevant to the solution of this Thread....

    So The problem arises in Worksheet Scoped Named Ranges when the Scoped Worksheet is different from the Worksheet to which the
    RefersTo:= argument
    Range applies.

    What then seems to happen the required hardcoded string is different from that given as the
    Name:= argument.

    It seems quite tricky sometimes not to get all the Range referencing, Scope, Range names and Named Ranges in VBA mixed up. So I have tried too write a fairly compact demo code which when steps through explains the thing I am talking about.

    The code in the next Post alsoo summarises again the tricky Name Object , Name Property which makes this Scope stuff realy confusing.

    Code Summary.
    Sub NameNameScope()

    Rem 1) Delete all Named Ranges in Workbook to avoid any confusion when adding and trying to "get at" Named Ranges

    Rem 2) Two Worksheet Variables are set which are required to be referenced in the Code ( ws1 is "BracketWonk", ws2 is "Stan" )

    Rem 3) An Error Handler is “enabled” ( “plugged in” ), which will be activated ( “switched on” ) at an Error occurring. This then replaces the default error as I am expecting errors especially at the next Line so can handle them better... ( Basically this error handler section explains the Error, clears the error exceptional situation and resumes just after the line which errors. )

    Rem 4) Just some background to show we need to create are own Range Name Objects, as the existing ones may be behaving differently , and / or are not fully available to us.

    Rem 5) This repeats again to refresh our memory and for a comparison using Workbooks scope to get a Named range. This was up until now what was mostly done in this Thread
    180 WB.Names.Add Name:="ws1A1WBScope", RefersTo:=ws1.Cells(1, 1) 'A Workbooks Scope Named Range Name Object is made

    In particular the following points, which can really be confusing, are brought out:

    _ A Named Range is an Object. It can be got at by
    = Range(“ “).Name

    _ This Named Range Object has amongst other things the Property of the string name we gave it when we created it in Line 180. ( I used “ws1A1WBScope” here as an arbitrary name )

    _ We can further get that string back from the object through that Property, which confusingly also is referred to as Name.
    In other words, pseudo code
    String name we gave at Range Name Object creation is = Range(“ “).Name.Name

    _To confuse us more if_.................., rather than assigning the
    Range(“ “)
    .Name to an Object Variable, we instead either
    _a) assign it to a String Variable
    _b) just use Range(“ “).Name anywhere,
    _........................then a string with a reference type format is returned, in our case looking Like

    If you step through section ‘5b in Debug F8 mode and hover over the variables in the code with the mouse cursor, then you will get the point.

    Code ‘5c section is a bit new to this Thread.
    It shows that in general we can use either the string reference or the string Name Property in
    Range(“ “).
    This could be interesting how VBA works. It maybe would recognise the difference of a reference or Name Property by the presence or not of the “!” . (.....maybe it always converts to the reference if needed. Generally you hear that a Range Object is “held” as some sort of an Address.....)
    When stepping through this code section it is good to look at the firstcell in ws1 and you see that all code lines are “working”

    400 Rem 6)
    ' Worksheets Scope ws1 with Worksheets Scope also from ws1
    This just repeats Rem 5) for the simple case of an equivalent Worksheets Scope . There is not too much difference as far as we are concerned.....
    ( _............The basic difference ( and what Scope is basically about ) , is that after these last two section you can type
    = ws1A1WBScope
    In any Cell in any Worksheet to get to the first cell in ws1

    whereas you can only type the following in any Cell in ws1 to do the same
    = ws1A1ws1Scope
    _...................This is not too important to our use of the Named ranges

    _One small interesting point is that I had to delete to the Workbook Scoped Named range Object ( Line 490 ) or it threw a Spanner in the works for my code. ? I think apparently this is because the Names Object of a Worksheet Range only holds one Name Property Value, and my code was catching my given Workbooks scoped Named Range Object Name Property at one point when I wanted it to catch my given Worksheet Scope Named Range Name Property . I am not too clear what is going on there or if I can handle that better. ?????????

    _Another interesting thing , more relevant to the next section, is that the returned Named Range Object Name Property has a bit added on to it . But somehow I can still use my original given name in
    Range(“ “)
    And it “works” – maybe VBA has that bit an implicit default.

    _ The final conclusion here is that if necessary I could still go ahead with my “trick” to allow Dynamic Coding whilst using the [ ] way of evaluate.....

    620 Rem 7) 'Worksheets Scope ws1 with Worksheets Scope ( from ws2 )
    Rem 7 ) is now the crux of this Post:
    This follows exactly same lines as Rem 6) but the scope is simply set to the other Worksheet, ws2
    (_.....This would have the effect in the worksheet of only allowing
    = ws1A1ws2Scope
    _...............to get to the first cell in ws1 if you typed it in ws2 – again not too important here
    _..... )

    Now the big problem you will see is that I can no longer use my original given name but must use that with the extra bit that VBA adds. So I could no longer use my “trick” to allow Dynamic Coding whilst using the [ ] way of evaluate. ( This is because the “trick” requires me giving that Name in the Form other codes use it. Unless of course I knew the sheet name. – A possible workaround , but a dynamicy is lost. ( I have to write this Name in the hard code form that it would be used. ( For Rem 5) and Rem 6) case it is any arbitrary Name ) )


    I did not intend using anything other than Workbooks scope but it was worth mentioning it in passing here. Good to know where a pit Hole is before I fall down in it.


    Codesin next Post:
    main Code: Sub NameNameScope()
    a required called Public Sub: Public Sub DeleteAllWBNamedRanges()

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    More Scope Wonks. Falling over in a Pit Hole Pigeon Holes or whateve in VBA Named Ranges

    'Code for last Post, Post 31

    ' and Reply 22 http://www.thespreadsheetguru.com/bl...o-named-ranges

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    Last edited by Doc.AElstein; 06-06-2016 at 05:51 PM.

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    Re: More Scope Wonks. Falling over in a Pit Hole Pigeon Holes or whateve in VBA Named Ra

    Please ignore this post. I am only reading about evaluate vs square brackets, but I do not intend to enter into any conversations.

    In fact I am only making this post because the excelforum website forced me to. It kept hiding the code examples and kept asking me to introduce myself. After 5 times I finally gave in.

    I am a retired consultant. I now have time to pursue some vba topics that were too time consuming in the past.

    Last edited by temp615; 12-17-2021 at 08:27 PM.

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