My name is Brian and I work as a mechanical design engineer. As an additional function I have set up an Excel workbook comprising of several worksheets to produce a quotation for HIU assemblies. I would now like to transfer the result (quantity, reference, total cost, total selling etc.) from the summary spread sheet to an Access database.

I managed to find a macro which seems to do just what I need but unfortunately when I run it I get Run time "3706"
Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed.
(my code “cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " & _
"Data Source=C:\Users\ Documents\MAX\Zeichnungen\Revision\HIU\DB\Project.accdb;")

From reading several threads it would appear that I need to download a driver for Microsoft.Jet ? I run a windows 7 - 64 bit machine with office 2010 and cannot figure out If the driver is included or not? (Doing a simple windows search of the files I am also unable to see a “OLEDB.4.0” file) . A further problem I have is that the Workbook I have created will reside on a network in Template format and downloaded as required by users on other work stations as needed. Not all these stations are not working from Windows 7.

My questions
1) In the VBA references I have selected Microsoft ActiveX Data Object 2.8 library
And Microsoft ActiveX Data Object RecordSet 2.8 library
Are these the correct libraries? And if so will other uses working off a different windows platform be able to send the info to the data base (that’s if I ever get the macro to work!!!)
2) Do I need to down load OLEDB.4.0 driver?
3) Is trying to use the Access data base in this way too complicated
4) Should I try writing the records to a second Workbook and letting Access, access the work book

I would be very grateful for any suggestions or help
