Hello. I am using Excel 2000.

I am very grateful for all the help I've received here and now I'm asking for
your help concerning gathering information from a Word doc into Excel.

I wonder if it is possible to "capture" data from a Word doc and save it into an
Excel Sheet, thus preserving a "database" of the user's inputs over time. Specifically . . .

Idea 1 : If a Word doc existed with a Table of 10 columns and 8 rows,
could the entire contents of those 80 fields be saved as a single record (row)
in Excel ? That is, into the next empty row on Sheet 1 from columns A to CB
(which is 80 columns wide). What VBA code could open the Word doc,
obtain the 80 fields of data and copy it into Excel ?

Idea 2: Very similar. If a Word doc existed as a Word Fill-In Form, say
with 25 distinct fields, could such data "capture" also be accomplished into
Excel as mentioned above, via VBA ? That is, all 25 fields as a single record
in Excel, beginning with column A, at the next available empty row.

I know in Excel one means of transferring values is like the code line below.

Range("Sales!C12").Value = Range("Inventory!M35").Value

(The code above gathers the value from cell M35 on the Inventory Sheet and places
it into cell C12 on the Sales Sheet. I am assuming there should be some similar
syntax to obtain field data from Word into Excel.)

If this is possible, I would appreciate any coding help along these lines.

Thank you very much.
