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Can one adjust Format Row Autofit to ensure WYSIWYG when printing

  1. #1

    Can one adjust Format Row Autofit to ensure WYSIWYG when printing

    Does anyone know if you can adjust Format Rows Autofit to ensure WYSIWYG when
    printing. I am continually frustrated that when I print after using the
    autofit function that I get text cut in half and underlines missing. Autofit
    does not seem to work properly. Can it be set to slightly overcompensate

  2. #2
    Hi Gray, this problem only happens when you're working in a zoom different from 100%; so if you're working with 115% and autofit the rows they won't show up properly when you print (they will be cutted)
    Also there is a problem you have to consider is when you use Bold or Italic fonts. If you're using them it's better to make the Autofit zooming the sheet at 90% and then printing, that way you'll get the whole cell for sure.



  3. #3
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Can one adjust Format Row Autofit to ensure WYSIWYG when printing

    I don't think you can ensure anything. But you could autofit and add just a bit
    to each rowheight?

    I adjusted all the used rows in the active worksheet with this:

    Option Explicit
    Sub testme01()

    Dim wks As Worksheet
    Dim myRow As Range

    Set wks = ActiveSheet
    With wks
    For Each myRow In .UsedRange.Rows
    myRow.RowHeight = myRow.RowHeight + 2
    Next myRow
    End With

    End Sub

    You can play around with that "fudge factor" to see if a smaller number would be
    sufficient (or larger???).

    And sometimes when you have lots of text in cells, the last few rows just seem
    to drop off the world. If you add alt-enters every 80-100 characters, you can
    see more in the cell.

    The bad news is that autofit may not work (depending on how much text is
    there). You'd have to resize that row manually (or add a line to the macro--if
    you know the line number!):

    With wks
    For Each myRow In .UsedRange.Rows
    myRow.RowHeight = myRow.RowHeight + 2
    Next myRow
    .rows(33).rowheight = 66
    End With

    GraySmithy wrote:
    > Does anyone know if you can adjust Format Rows Autofit to ensure WYSIWYG when
    > printing. I am continually frustrated that when I print after using the
    > autofit function that I get text cut in half and underlines missing. Autofit
    > does not seem to work properly. Can it be set to slightly overcompensate
    > perhaps?


    Dave Peterson

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