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Formula or Macro needed?

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Formula or Macro needed?

    Hi, I need some help desperately, for reasons which are too complicated to go into right here and now, I need a formula or a macro to produce an excel spreadsheet of 16 columns and 16 rows where each row and each column contains the numbers 1 through to 16 without the same number repeated on any row or any column and that there is no pattern to (i.e. no number should follow sequentially (up or down) by this I mean 1 2 3 - not good 3 2 1 not good, 12 3 7 9 4 8 14 16 2 - better) - I know it may sound a little tricky but I'm hoping somebody is up for a challenge like this and can help rather quickly - I'm not interested in the number of permutations or anything daft like that - I just need a solution.

    Thanks to anybody who knows and can post how to help me out of this tricky situation..
    Last edited by Query; 10-11-2005 at 05:25 PM.

  2. #2
    How about this:
    First column enter 1,2,3...etc up to 16, first row enter 1,16,15,14...etc up to 2, then in the second row of the second column enter a formula that refers to the first cell in your grid then drag across and down.

    Hope this helps!

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Thanks for your reply, you mention "then in the second row of the second column enter a formula that refers to the first cell in your grid" - what is the formula that I should enter?

  4. #4
    If the first cell in your grid is A1 then


  5. #5
    Update....if you want a totally random look to your grid then try the following once you have your grid set up the way I mentioned before. Copy and paste over the grid using the "paste special" option and selecting "values", this will get rid of the formula and leave you with numbers only.
    Now insert random numbers directly to the left or right of the grid by using the =RAND() formula and then draging down, then select and sort your grid using the random numbers. You can do the same with your columns by using the same formula directly above or below the grid and sorting from left to right instead of up and down.

    Hope this helps!

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