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help with inserting a cell value into a named formula

  1. #1

    help with inserting a cell value into a named formula

    If someone could help me solve this conundrum, I'd be wonderfully grateful...

    The Setup - I've got 2 columns, one named "text", one named "numbers"; lets
    say A,B,C,& D in A1-A4, and 1,2,3,&4 in B1-B4. I also have four formulas -
    let's say they're named AA,BB,CC,&DD. (AA would multiply by 2, BB multiply by
    3, CC by 4, DD by 5).

    The Problem - In column C, I want to have an IF function that...
    logical_test = looks at whether the value of a cell in a "text" column cell
    is A,B,C,orD,
    value_if_true = uses the corresponding formula (AA,BB,CC,orDD) inserting the
    number value in the "numbers" column cell in the formula.

    the IF function is set up as... =IF(A1="A",AA,IF(A1="B",BB,IF(A1="C",CC,DD)))

    I can't figure out how to set up the named formulas so that they include the
    value of the respective cell in the "numbers" column. I thought that using
    the following formulas would work...
    AA = (numbers*2)
    BB = (numbers*3)
    CC = (numbers*4)
    DD = (numbers*5)
    but they don't.

    So if anyone could help me or give some tips about how I could make this
    happen, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!


  2. #2
    I'm not an expert but how about something like this:


    this formula will use the CODE function to determine if A2 contains an A, B, C or D...if it finds one of those letters then it will multiply B2 by CODE value of the letter minus 63.


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