
I am in a big problem. I ve copied some data from a site to excel which contain some hyperlink.

The text shown in the cell is "01-APR-05 to 30-SEP-05 First Half"
which contains the following hyperlink.

01-APR-05 to 30-SEP-05 First Half

Now what i am looking for is to make a macro with which i can replace the name of the link with the link itself.

ie replace "01-APR-05 to 30-SEP-05 First Half" with ""http://www.nseindia.com/marketinfo/companyinfo/online/corp_result.jsp?symbol=APOLLOHOSP&restype=A&pertype=H1&perfrom=01-APR-2005&perto=30-SEP-2005&bnba=N&cnc=C&cncon=N&tstamp=25Nov20051926&"]01-APR-05 to 30-SEP-05 First Half""

one way i am doing it is i right click on the link and select option "Edit Hyperlink" then copy the link and then i paste it in the place required.

But this is taking to much of time as i ve some 9081 entries.

so if anyone can give me a better solution it ll be greatful
