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How do I find a percentage?

  1. #1

    How do I find a percentage?

    I'm trying to find a formula that will show 10% of another cell (or group of
    cells). If a cell or group of cells adds up to 100, what is the formula that
    will tell me that 10% of that is 10?

  2. #2





  3. #3

    RE: How do I find a percentage?

    "PBarton" wrote:
    > I'm trying to find a formula that will show 10%
    > of another cell (or group of cells). If a cell or
    > group of cells adds up to 100, what is the formula
    > that will tell me that 10% of that is 10?

    If A1 is the cell with 100 (or whatever value),
    arguably the most readable formula is:


    Of course, you could also write:


    I cannot think of a good reason to write it any
    differently. "Things should be as simple as possible,
    but no simpler" -- Einstein.

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