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Macro to open files isn't updating correctly

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date

    Macro to open files isn't updating correctly

    I've created a macro that opens five Excel files. The fifth file links to the other four for information. I have this one set to open last because the first four files must be opened in order for Excel to read them, as they are created through another program so the formatting isn't such that it can be read by Excel until they are active.

    When opening the fifth file without the macro, an option to enable macros in the file comes up, in which Yes is the correct prompt, and then an option to enable autolinks to other workbooks comes up, in which, again, Yes is the correct prompt. Upon answering these questions, appropriate data in this file is updated with the info from the others. However, when using the macro, it isn't linking the other files as needed. Is there something that must be done to make this happen? I created the macro using the "Record Macro" option, so it should be capturing everything I did, but I'm wondering if it doesn't capture the answers to the opening prompts for some reason?

  2. #2
    Dave O

    Re: Macro to open files isn't updating correctly

    Not sure if this will do it for you, but here's something to try while
    the gurus get to this post.

    Edit the macro and paste in this line of code just after the Sub
    YourMacroName() line:
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False

    This will disable the prompt windows. Then at the end of the code,
    just before the line that says End Sub, enter this line:

    This causes the workbook to recalculate, and if all the proper books
    are open, the links should update. Let us know what results you get.

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Thanks for the tip. Even with these changes, I still can't get this to work, though. If I close just the main file, and reopen, it calculates perfectly, however it won't do it when using the macro which auto-opens it. ??

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