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call code for all sheets

  1. #1

    call code for all sheets

    Through browsing this group, I have been able to apply code to all the
    sheets in my workbook with the following test code.

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    If Target.Address <> "$E$2" Then Exit Sub

    Dim sh As Worksheet
    For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    sh.Range("G2") = "test worked"

    End Sub

    Is there any way to call a sub to all worksheets. I've tried
    replaceing the SH.RANGE line with CALL TEST and it did not apply it to
    all sheets. I've tried using WITH statements as follows:

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    If Target.Address <> "$E$2" Then Exit Sub

    Dim sh As Worksheet
    For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    with sh
    call test
    end with

    End Sub

    This did not work either. Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Jim Thomlinson

    RE: call code for all sheets

    sh is your worksheet object, but call test needs to know which sheet. Try this

    Dim sh As Worksheet
    For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    with sh
    call test(sh)
    end with
    Next sh

    Sub Test(sh as worksheet)
    msgbox sh.name
    end sub

    Jim Thomlinson

    "rwnelson" wrote:

    > Through browsing this group, I have been able to apply code to all the
    > sheets in my workbook with the following test code.
    > Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    > If Target.Address <> "$E$2" Then Exit Sub
    > Dim sh As Worksheet
    > For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    > sh.Activate
    > sh.Range("G2") = "test worked"
    > Next
    > End Sub
    > '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Is there any way to call a sub to all worksheets. I've tried
    > replaceing the SH.RANGE line with CALL TEST and it did not apply it to
    > all sheets. I've tried using WITH statements as follows:
    > Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    > If Target.Address <> "$E$2" Then Exit Sub
    > Dim sh As Worksheet
    > For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    > sh.Activate
    > with sh
    > call test
    > end with
    > Next
    > End Sub
    > This did not work either. Any suggestions?

  3. #3

    Re: call code for all sheets

    Thank you for your response. I put in the code and got the message box
    on each sheet that stated the sheet name but when I tried to put in
    something like range("G2") = "test worked" - only sheet 1 received the
    changes, sheets 2 and 3 did not. Am I missing something? I tried the
    two codes below.

    Sub Test(sh As Worksheet)
    MsgBox sh.Name
    Range("G2") = "test worked"
    End Sub

    Sub Test(sh As Worksheet)
    Range("G2") = "test worked"
    End Sub

  4. #4
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    You need to tell it to run it on each sheet. your current macro is only set for the active sheet.

    Sub Test(sh As Worksheet)
    Range("G2") = "test worked"
    End Sub

    Sub test()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    For Each ws In Worksheets
    ws.Range("G2") = "test worked"
    End Sub

    Quote Originally Posted by rwnelson
    Thank you for your response. I put in the code and got the message box
    on each sheet that stated the sheet name but when I tried to put in
    something like range("G2") = "test worked" - only sheet 1 received the
    changes, sheets 2 and 3 did not. Am I missing something? I tried the
    two codes below.

    Sub Test(sh As Worksheet)
    MsgBox sh.Name
    Range("G2") = "test worked"
    End Sub

    Sub Test(sh As Worksheet)
    Range("G2") = "test worked"
    End Sub

  5. #5
    Jim Thomlinson

    Re: call code for all sheets

    Unless otherwise specified code always executes on the active sheet. That
    being the case, the only thing you are missing is a reference to sh. Try

    Sub Test(sh As Worksheet)
    sh.Range("G2") = "test worked"
    End Sub


    Jim Thomlinson

    "rwnelson" wrote:

    > Thank you for your response. I put in the code and got the message box
    > on each sheet that stated the sheet name but when I tried to put in
    > something like range("G2") = "test worked" - only sheet 1 received the
    > changes, sheets 2 and 3 did not. Am I missing something? I tried the
    > two codes below.
    > Sub Test(sh As Worksheet)
    > MsgBox sh.Name
    > Range("G2") = "test worked"
    > End Sub
    > '__________________________
    > Sub Test(sh As Worksheet)
    > Range("G2") = "test worked"
    > End Sub

  6. #6

    Re: call code for all sheets

    Thank you all. Worked perfectly.

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