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In Excel is there a function to change a cell's background color?

  1. #1

    In Excel is there a function to change a cell's background color?

    The cell contains a formula to determine the contents. Based upon results, I
    would like to color the background of the cell (e.g. if >10 color red; if >10
    & <20 color yellow; etc.). I have not been successful in finding a solution
    using help. Thanks!

  2. #2

    RE: In Excel is there a function to change a cell's background color?

    Look in Format/Conditional Formatting

    "Sireofsix" wrote:

    > The cell contains a formula to determine the contents. Based upon results, I
    > would like to color the background of the cell (e.g. if >10 color red; if >10
    > & <20 color yellow; etc.). I have not been successful in finding a solution
    > using help. Thanks!

  3. #3

    RE: In Excel is there a function to change a cell's background color?

    Use Conditional Formatting (Format > Conditional Formatting): Cell value is
    and set your criteria. Click Add to add additional conditions.

    "Sireofsix" wrote:

    > The cell contains a formula to determine the contents. Based upon results, I
    > would like to color the background of the cell (e.g. if >10 color red; if >10
    > & <20 color yellow; etc.). I have not been successful in finding a solution
    > using help. Thanks!

  4. #4

    RE: In Excel is there a function to change a cell's background col

    Excellent! Thank you very much and have a great day ! ! !

    "jirkalla" wrote:

    > Look in Format/Conditional Formatting
    > "Sireofsix" wrote:
    > > The cell contains a formula to determine the contents. Based upon results, I
    > > would like to color the background of the cell (e.g. if >10 color red; if >10
    > > & <20 color yellow; etc.). I have not been successful in finding a solution
    > > using help. Thanks!

  5. #5

    RE: In Excel is there a function to change a cell's background col

    Excellent! Thank you very much and enjoy your day ! ! !

    "SVC" wrote:

    > Use Conditional Formatting (Format > Conditional Formatting): Cell value is
    > and set your criteria. Click Add to add additional conditions.
    > "Sireofsix" wrote:
    > > The cell contains a formula to determine the contents. Based upon results, I
    > > would like to color the background of the cell (e.g. if >10 color red; if >10
    > > & <20 color yellow; etc.). I have not been successful in finding a solution
    > > using help. Thanks!

  6. #6
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Boston, MA

    Important First Step!!

    What nobody has mentioned here is that you must FIRST select the range you want formatted before you can use conditional formatting.

    I had to search TWICE and experiment for about 10 minutes (with 100% failure rate) to find that out.

    Too bad MS fails to mention pretty crucial stuff like that right up front, eh?

    Their help-search algorithm is apalling.

    Then again, my needs are nothing compared to their deisre for total world domination.

    Have a good one.


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