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[solved] list dates in month order

  1. #1

    [solved] list dates in month order

    I have a list of dates etc and want to sort the list to show Month/Day - the
    year is irrelevant for sorting purposes but still has to be shown in the
    final document. When I look into cells some have the date as 07/09/1999 and
    others as July 9, 1999 ( they have been prepared on both Excel Millenium and
    also Excell 2003)

    How can I achieve a printed list showing month/day/year please?

    (And then how do I prepare a list for printing labels?)

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    One solution would be to create a column next to the list of dates which just shows the month number.

    IE: If your list was in column A, then the formula in column B for each cell would be:


    etc, so if you had 10 dates in column A, then you would have 10 of the above formulas in column B. You could then perform a sort on the range A1:B10 using column B as the sort key. This column can always be hidden if necessary.

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