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Row Selection

  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    MS-Off Ver

    Row Selection

    I am looking at how to find the first row in a selection when the user selects a range of rows.

    If a user selects rows 2 through 800, I need to know that row 2 is the first row in the range.

    If I use:

    Dim myAddress as string
    myaddress = selection.address

    I get my Address as "$2:$800"

    How is the most efficient way of identifying the first row as row 2?

    I am using Windows 7 and Office 2007, all of my posts are based on this.

  2. #2

    RE: Row Selection

    Selection.Row Should do it.

    "DCSwearingen" wrote:

    > I am looking at how to find the first row in a selection when the user
    > selects a range of rows.
    > If a user selects rows 2 through 800, I need to know that row 2 is the
    > first row in the range.
    > If I use:
    > Dim myAddress as string
    > myaddress = selection.address
    > I get my Address as "$2:$800"
    > How is the most efficient way of identifying the first row as row 2?
    > --
    > DCSwearingen
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > DCSwearingen's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=21506
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=542535

  3. #3
    Kevin B

    RE: Row Selection

    The following function returns the active cell address:

    Function WhereAmI() As String

    Dim strCell As String

    strCell = ActiveCell.Address
    'Omit the following line if you want an absolute address
    strCell = Application.ConvertFormula(strCell, xlA1, xlA1, xlRelative)

    WhereAmI = strCell

    End Function

    Kevin Backmann

    "DCSwearingen" wrote:

    > I am looking at how to find the first row in a selection when the user
    > selects a range of rows.
    > If a user selects rows 2 through 800, I need to know that row 2 is the
    > first row in the range.
    > If I use:
    > Dim myAddress as string
    > myaddress = selection.address
    > I get my Address as "$2:$800"
    > How is the most efficient way of identifying the first row as row 2?
    > --
    > DCSwearingen
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > DCSwearingen's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=21506
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=542535

  4. #4
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    MS-Off Ver

    Many Thanks! To Kevin B & Adobe!!

    Both tips will be useful in the future!

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