
I have a problem with trying to get a template to open from inside a sheet.

At the moment I have a large workbook which has lots of data that the template uses for lists boxes and INDEX/MATCH lookups. The problem I've got is I want to allow the user to click a button which will create a template for them from the original sheet (so they only have one sheet to use).

Trouble is when I open the template through windows explorer whilst the workbook with all the information is open and I get no errors and all the functionality works fine. However when I try to use VBA to open a template I get the "Update Links" message which no matter what option I press breaks the functionality of the sheet.

I've tried;

Workbooks.open "sheet1.xlt"


Workbooks.Add Template:="sheet1.xlt"

The first one just opens the template for editing and the second gives me the update error I'm trying to avoid, and for some reason I can't seem to add the UpdateLinks:=0 thing either excel just says it's an invalid arguement.

Can anyone help?