I have a list with two columns. Column A contains names, which are also sheets in the same book. Each name has it’s own sheet. The name also appears in cell A2 of each sheet.

If A2 of each sheet equals a name in Column A I want the info from the corresponding row of Column B to be pasted in the sheet with the same name in cell B2.


Sheet 1 – A1=Billy B1=10
A2=Mary B2=15
A3=Chester B3=6

Sheet Billy – A2=Billy B2=15
Sheet Mary – A2=Mary B2=15
Sheet Chester – A2=Chester B2=6

I want the values for B2 auto populated from Sheet 1.

I guess what I want is for the program to search column A of sheet1 until it finds a match, then put the info from columnB in B2 of that sheet, then proceed to the next sheet.