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Recordset Query : how to open and retrieve DB

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Recordset Query : how to open and retrieve DB

    I am new to access programming and I am currently having some difficulty with the recordset procedures. I'm not sure if I am doing right in opening the table and getting the data from it.

    Any one can guide me on this so I could get rid of this stumbling block.

    I have 3 combolist and what I am trying to do is when the user selects the 1st combolist, the 2nd combolist should show the list that belongs to that category.

    Since I am not sure the process of connecting to the db, I'm not able to populate the list.

    Appreciate if anyone could help me on this. Thank you

    Dim strStudentName As String
    Dim strCategory As String
    Dim strCode As String
    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim db As Database
    Dim rst As Recordset
    Dim rstRecord As Recordset
    Public Sub cboStudentName_AfterUpdate()
        strStudentName = cboStudentName.Value           'get value of 1st combo list
        cboCategory.Value = "Select Category"   'set 1st value of 2ndst combo list
        cboCode.Value = "Select Code"           'set 1st value of 3rd combo list
        Set db = CurrentDb() ' select DB
        Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("ComboBox_Category") 'open table in DB
        strSQL = "Select Distinct ComboBox_Category.Category " & _
            "FROM ComboBox_Category " & _
            "WHERE ComboBox_Category.StudentName = '" & strStudentName & "' " & _
            "ORDER BY ComboBox_Category.Category;"
         rstRecord = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL) 'get records of select query from the DB
         Do While Not rst.EOF
            MsgBox rstRecord 'print out the records in msg box but in actual fact i'm trying to add in the records into the combo list
    End Sub

  2. #2
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    Buffalo, NY USA

    Re: Recordset Query : how to open and retrieve DB

    No need to iterate through the record set and build on the fly (although technically you could do it that way). You can simply take your SQL statement and set the combo's row source to it:

    Me.Mycombobox.rowsource = strSQL

    To be on the safe side, I'd then requery the combo box (to make sure the data under indeed refreshed):



  3. #3
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    Arrow Re: Recordset Query : how to open and retrieve DB

    This is one Access form with two buttons and a single combo box
    It creates a record set, uses the record set to populate an Excel worksheet.
    I always use a centralized error tracking function to log errors in a common Access table.

    I left a larger than necessary SQL statement to indicate how complex it can get. Myself, I typically use SQL Server (Access Linked Tables) views, then finish the linkage of several SQL Server Views from here.
    For complex queries, you should also explore Pass-Through queries or other options. For fairly simple queries, this might give you a nice baseline to start.

    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit
    ' RxMiller on this forum - Other than the SqL code - this is about as simple as it gets
    ' Access code - one form to create an Excel worksheet
    ' Procedure : cmdCancel_Click
    ' Purpose   :Access Form - offer a cancel button
    Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
    10        On Error GoTo PROC_ERROR
    20        DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
    30        On Error Resume Next
    40        Exit Sub
    50        Select Case Err.Number  ' used to track errors - just comment out if not needed
                  Case Else ' functionLogMyErroris a centralized Error tracking function - not shown
    60                functionLogMyError Err.Number, Erl, Err.Description, "Form_ThisFormName", "cmdCancel_Click", True
    70                Resume PROC_EXIT
    80        End Select          
    End Sub
    ' Procedure : cmdExport_Click
    ' Purpose   : Create Excel - add headers, read Access data, bring in data, and simple format
    '  Me.cboMonth this form has a combo box with a list of Months - used in the SQL statement "Having" statement
    Private Sub cmdExport_Click()
              Dim objXL                      As Object
              Dim strSQL                     As String
              Dim rsExport                   As DAO.Recordset
              Dim bytFieldPos                As Byte
    10        On Error GoTo PROC_ERROR
    20        Set objXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    25          'objXL.Visible = True        ' to step through code (troubleshoot) uncomment - then remember to re-comment
    30        DoCmd.Hourglass True	       ' let user know to wait
    40        objXL.Application.Workbooks.Add
    45		' Actual table / fields changed to post - Create an SQL statement with Access tools. break the SQL string apart here - Your on your own
    50        strSQL = "SELECT tblSales.lngContractNo AS Deal, tblCustomers.strCompanyName AS Counterparty, tblSalesdetails.dtTransaction " & _ 
    			"AS [Date], IIf([bytBuyOrSell],'Buy','sell') AS buySell, tblStoress.strStores AS [Deal Stores], tblMarketAreas.strMarketArea AS [Deal MA], " & _ 
    			"Sum(tblSalesdetails.lngVolume) AS [Deal Vol], Sum([lngVolume]*([curPrice]+nz([curPricingPremiumDiscount],0))*IIf([bytBuyOrSell]=1,1,-1)) " & _ 
    			"AS [Deal Value], " & _
                       	"tblStoress_1.strStores AS [Delivery Stores], tblMarketAreas_1.strMarketArea AS [Delivery MA], tblMailDrops.strMailDropDesc AS " & _ 
    			"[Delivery Point], Sum(tblScheduleDetails.lngNominalVolume) AS [Nom Vol], Sum([lngNominalVolume]*([curPrice]+nz([curPricingPremiumDiscount],0)) " & _ 
    			"*IIf([bytBuyOrSell]=1,1,-1)) AS [Nom Value], Sum(tblScheduleDetails.lngActualVolume) AS [Act Vol], " & _ 
    			"Sum([lngActualVolume]*([curPrice]+nz([curPricingPremiumDiscount],0))*IIf([bytBuyOrSell]=1,1,-1)) AS [Act Value], tblAccounts.strAccountName " & _ 
    			"AS [Deal Account], tblAccounts.strAccountName AS [Delivery Account] " & _
                       "FROM ((((((tblMailDrops LEFT JOIN tblMarketAreas AS tblMarketAreas_1 ON tblMailDrops.lngMarketAreaID = tblMarketAreas_1.lngMarketAreaID) " & _  
    			"RIGHT JOIN (((tblSales RIGHT JOIN tblSalesdetails ON tblSales.lngContractNo = tblSalesdetails.lngContractNo) LEFT JOIN tblScheduleDetails " & _ 
    			"ON tblSalesdetails.lngContractDetailID = tblScheduleDetails.lngContractDetailID) " & _ 
    			"LEFT JOIN tblMarketAreas ON tblSales.lngMarketAreaID = tblMarketAreas.lngMarketAreaID) " & _ 
    			"ON tblMailDrops.intMailDropID = tblScheduleDetails.intMailDropID) " & _
                       	"LEFT JOIN tblCustomers ON tblSales.lngCustomerID = tblCustomers.lngCustomerID) " & _ 
    			"LEFT JOIN tblAccounts ON tblMarketAreas.bytAccountID = tblAccounts.bytAccountID) " & _ 
    			"LEFT JOIN tblAccounts AS tblAccounts_1 ON tblMarketAreas_1.bytAccountID = tblAccounts_1.bytAccountID) " & _ 
    			"LEFT JOIN tblStoress ON tblSales.intStoresID = tblStoress.intStoresID) " & _ 
    			"LEFT JOIN tblStoress AS tblStoress_1 ON tblMarketAreas_1.intStoresID = tblStoress_1.intStoresID " & _
                       "WHERE (((tblMarketAreas_1.bytAccountID) <> [tblMarketAreas].[bytAccountID])) " & _
                       "GROUP BY tblSales.lngContractNo, tblCustomers.strCompanyName, tblSalesdetails.dtTransaction, IIf([bytBuyOrSell],'Buy','sell'), " & _ 
    			"tblStoress.strStores, tblMarketAreas.strMarketArea, tblStoress_1.strStores, tblMarketAreas_1.strMarketArea, " & _ 
    			"tblMailDrops.strMailDropDesc, tblAccounts.strAccountName, tblAccounts.strAccountName " & _
                       "HAVING (((tblSalesdetails.dtTransaction) Between #" & Me.cboMonth & "# And #" & DateSerial(Year(Me.cboMonth), Month(Me.cboMonth) + 1, 0) & "#)) " & _
                       "ORDER BY tblSales.lngContractNo, tblSalesdetails.dtTransaction"
    55		' The strsql should have the same string as your Access SQL text at this point - This just shows how big you can really make it
    60        Set rsExport = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenSnapshot)
    70        objXL.Worksheets(1).Cells(2, 1).copyfromrecordset rsExport
              'Add Headers to Worksheet
    80        For bytFieldPos = 0 To rsExport.Fields.count - 1  ' Read the Record set's Field Names and create the header - we counted the number of columns for the loop
    90            objXL.Worksheets(1).Cells(1, bytFieldPos + 1) = rsExport.Fields(bytFieldPos).Name		' Use SQL "AS Deal" for example to provide column names
    100       Next bytFieldPos				    ' the count of the colomns matches the Excel columns
    110       With objXL
    120           .Range("G:G,L:L,N:N").Select	' Non-contigous column range - to format for numbers
    130           .Selection.NumberFormat = "#,##0_);[Red](#,##0)"
    140           .Range("H:H,M:M,O:O").Select
    150           .Selection.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00)"
    160           .Range("A1").Select
    170           .ActiveWindow.SplitRow = 1
    180           .ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
    190           .Columns("A:Q").EntireColumn.AutoFit
    200       End With          
    210       DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
    220       On Error Resume Next
    230       DoCmd.Hourglass False
    240       objXL.Visible = True ' the process will run much faster if Excel is invisible, then appears when process is finished
    250       rsExport.Close
    260       Set rsExport = Nothing
    270       Exit Sub
    280       Select Case Err.Number 
                  'Case ###		' create a function functionLogMyErrorto keep track of errors
                  Case Else
    290               functionLogMyError Err.Number, Erl, Err.Description, "Form_ThisFormName", "cmdCancel_Click", True
    300               Resume PROC_EXIT
    310       End Select
    End Sub
    ' Procedure : Form_Load
    ' Purpose   : Form with cbo month list box - cmdCancel - cmdExport controls - set date to last month
    Private Sub Form_Load()
    10        On Error GoTo PROC_ERROR
    20        Me.cboMonth = DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date) - 1, 1) ' A combo box with last month's date as the default
    30		' optionally, you could just replace the me.cboMonth here and in SQL text with a variable
    40        On Error Resume Next
    50        Exit Sub
    60        Select Case Err.Number
                  'Case ###
                  Case Else
    70                functionLogMyError Err.Number, Erl, Err.Description, "Form_ThisFormName", "Form_Load", True
    80                Resume PROC_EXIT
    90        End Select
    End Sub

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Vail, Colorado
    MS-Off Ver
    Excel 2010

    Smile Re: Recordset Query : how to open and retrieve DB

    How to populate a list box in Access (combobox), then use the value chosen from the list to retreive data from a recordset and put it into Excel.
    In this example, I also added two option buttons to choose "buy" or "sell" to make it more interesting.

    The last sub shows how to set the value. Sometimes a recordset returns null for the list box. This code deals with that. Sometimes, the choices on the interface return an empty recordset. This code handles that too.

    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit
    ' RxMiller on this forum - create extreme Excel reports using MS Access and MS sQLServer - start with the simple ones
    Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
        DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
        ' code in the close button
    End Sub
    ' Procedure : cmdExport_Click
    ' Controls - a cboCustomer list box, 2 option buttons "Buy" & "Sell", cmdCloseButton
    ' Purpose   :Combo Box cboCustomers - populate it from the database
    Private Sub cmdExport_Click()
            Dim objXL As Object
            Dim strSQL As String
            Dim rsExport As DAO.Recordset
        On Error GoTo PROC_ERROR
     	' lets add code to insure user picks a value from list box
            If IsNull(Me.cboCustomers) Then
                MsgBox "Please select a customer first.", vbInformation, "Customer"
                Exit Sub
            End If
            DoCmd.Hourglass True
            ' The strSQL is dynamically built using the value from Me.cboCustomers and Me.opgBuySales  get as complex as needed, with conditions
            strSQL = "SELECT DateSerial(Year([tblConfirmationDetails].[dtTransaction]),Month([tblConfirmationDetails].[dtTransaction]),1) AS dtMonth, " & _ 
    				"Sum(tblConfirmationDetails.lngVolume) AS SumOflngVolume " & _
                    "FROM tblConfirmations INNER JOIN tblConfirmationDetails ON tblConfirmations.lngContractNo = tblConfirmationDetails.lngContractNo " & _
                    "WHERE (((tblConfirmations.lngCustomerID) = " & Me.cboCustomers & ") And ((tblConfirmations.bytBuyOrSell) = " & Me.opgBuySales & ")) " & _
                    "GROUP BY DateSerial(Year([tblConfirmationDetails].[dtTransaction]),Month([tblConfirmationDetails].[dtTransaction]),1) " & _
                    "ORDER BY DateSerial(Year([tblConfirmationDetails].[dtTransaction]),Month([tblConfirmationDetails].[dtTransaction]),1);"
    'Debug.Print "The value of strSQL is: " &  strSQL   			' uncomment when testing to view strSQL in the debug window
            Set rsExport = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenSnapshot)  ' always use a snapshot for speed & low overhead               
            If rsExport.RecordCount = 0 Then				' test for no data, let the user know what happened
                MsgBox "No data for this customer.", vbInformation, "Customer"
                Set objXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")	
                'objXL.Visible = True					' uncomment when testing - recomment for production
                objXL.Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 1) = Me.cboCustomers.Column(1) & " " & Choose(Me.opgBuySales, "Buys", "Sales")
                objXL.Worksheets(1).Cells(2, 1) = "Month"			' data column header in Excel
                objXL.Worksheets(1).Cells(2, 2) = "Volume"		
                objXL.Worksheets(1).Cells(3, 1).copyfromrecordset rsExport	' recordset spools into Excel starting at 3,1
                objXL.Selection.NumberFormat = "[$-409]mmm-yy;@"
                objXL.Selection.NumberFormat = "#,##0"
                objXL.Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 1).Select
            End If
        On Error Resume Next
        DoCmd.Hourglass False
        objXL.Visible = True
        Set rsExport = Nothing
        Exit Sub
                Msgbox Err.Number & "  " &  Err.Description, "MyFormNameHere", vbOKonly
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Load()
       ' In CBOCustomers Row source Property - enter: SELECT tblCustomers.lngCustomerID, tblCustomers.strCompanyName FROM tblCustomers ORDER BY tblCustomers.strCompanyName;  
       ' If you want to make it more dynamic - add the following comment as code
        'cboCustomers.RowSource = "SELECT tblCustomers.lngCustomerID, tblCustomers.strCompanyName FROM tblCustomers ORDER BY tblCustomers.strCompanyName;"
           'the above line will enter the sql text into the CBOCustomer RowSource Property during the form load. This is where you could add a date function for example
    End Sub

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