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Access Query shoes values and blanks in filter but no balnk records?!?!

  1. #1
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    Access Query shoes values and blanks in filter but no balnk records?!?!

    I am using Access as a quick way to manipulate and cleanse an excel spreadsheet.

    To do this I want to run several queries to remove certain data and leave me with only the data I need to check.

    The problem I seem to be having is that when I create my queries and run them the results for the columns I have set the criteria on show the values I expect but also shows (Blanks). When I filter for these blanks, however, there is nothing showing i.e. all the fields in my query are empty rather than just the column I filtered for the blanks.

    Is this because there is a field in the source data that could be blank? I thought when you picked fields from a table to run a query only those fields are affected by the criteria - almost as if it's a mini data set. Am I missing something?!?!?

    Am fairly new to Access! Help!

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor Neil_'s Avatar
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    Re: Access Query shoes values and blanks in filter but no balnk records?!?!

    What criteria are you using for the blanks? If it's
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  3. #3
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    Re: Access Query shoes values and blanks in filter but no balnk records?!?!

    I am not using anything for blanks as I don't want to see them.

    I have four fields. the first two have no creiteria, the 3rd is asking for "3132" and the 4th is asking for anything that Contains the string "*D&S*" or "*The Natural and Built Environment*"

    See attached....when I run the query the two columns with criteria show "3132" and (Blanks)......


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