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How to share Microsoft Access' form with external users?

  1. #1
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    Question How to share Microsoft Access' form with external users?

    Objective: to create a data entry form that updates access database on the go.

    As the question states, how would I go on about doing this? How would I control whether this external user can see the DB + form, or form fill only?

    I can't seem to find direct tutorial on this. Instead I am redirected to Microsoft forms every time!

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor ranman256's Avatar
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    Re: How to share Microsoft Access' form with external users?

    create a new blank db.
    export your form to this db.
    I would also export the table & query that may go with it. (with test data only)

    Now you can send the form example.

    but If you want users to actually use the form for data in/out, then do the same but instead of example data,
    use the external LINK to the actual table.

  3. #3
    Forum Expert BadlySpelledBuoy's Avatar
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    Re: How to share Microsoft Access' form with external users?

    Or use the "Split database" functionality to create a "back end" that holds all the tables and a "front end" that holds queries, forms etc. as well as links to the tables in the back end.
    A copy of the front end can be sent to each user and so long as they're networked they can use that to push/pull data to/from the back end.


  4. #4
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    Re: How to share Microsoft Access' form with external users?

    Quote Originally Posted by BadlySpelledBuoy View Post
    Or use the "Split database" functionality to create a "back end" that holds all the tables and a "front end" that holds queries, forms etc. as well as links to the tables in the back end.
    A copy of the front end can be sent to each user and so long as they're networked they can use that to push/pull data to/from the back end.

    If the audience in non-technical, would I be able to hide queries and show only forms to make it easy for them?

  5. #5
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    Re: How to share Microsoft Access' form with external users?

    Quote Originally Posted by ranman256 View Post
    create a new blank db.
    export your form to this db.
    I would also export the table & query that may go with it. (with test data only)

    Now you can send the form example.

    but If you want users to actually use the form for data in/out, then do the same but instead of example data,
    use the external LINK to the actual table.
    External link? Like a sharepoint link?

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