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Vba to retrieve Access recordset no longer works after additional columns added

  1. #1
    Forum Expert nigelog's Avatar
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    Vba to retrieve Access recordset no longer works after additional columns added

    Hi all
    I have been using this code to retrieve and filter a recordset from Access. At present I have moved over to a test file while I add features to improve reporting.
    This code was not what I was working on and I only noticed it after a few days so cannot pinpoint what the change was.

    The Table 'Pending' has had 5 extra columns added but all at the end so no format change
    The Field 'Delivered' has a simple X to denote delivered so this listbox views pending orders
    I increased the number of columns in the listbox but now find that no records are retrieved but if I aim back at original Access database all works fine

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    I cant think why the records can no longer be retrieved as they do exist
    Any ideas??

  2. #2
    Forum Expert nigelog's Avatar
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    Re: Vba to retrieve Access recordset no longer works after additional columns added

    I changed code to this and now can see the records
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    now though I cant find a way to close the connection and use the records remotely.

    What is the difference between 'Cursor Location' and 'CursorType'??
    Last edited by nigelog; 05-25-2022 at 03:47 AM.

  3. #3
    Forum Expert nigelog's Avatar
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    Re: Vba to retrieve Access recordset no longer works after additional columns added

    Changed text in red and all now seems good

  4. #4
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    Re: Vba to retrieve Access recordset no longer works after additional columns added

    interesting information

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