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SQL Power Query for refreshable excel based reports

  1. #1
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    SQL Power Query for refreshable excel based reports

    Hello all, currently am combining multiple excel workbooks with power query to get a single table to build reports off of. This is manual and would like to go straight to the SQL server. Getting permission from my IT guy tomorrow. I work in asset management and need to be able to deliver monthly reports on 120+ funds with the ability to query data from those funds to build and automate graphs and tables. Is this possible?

  2. #2
    Forum Expert XLent's Avatar
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    Re: SQL Power Query for refreshable excel based reports

    you can connect PQ to SQL Server but there's not a great deal to go on from your note below.

    for ex. the below is very simplistic illustration of how you could connect to a given db and execute a query to retrieve a dataset -- the query can leverage parameters (to a point) without getting too convoluted, and you can use temp tables etc such that your output is the result of multiple queries, which may help with performance etc

    as always, the approach you choose to adopt will depend on the specifics of what you're trying to achieve.

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  3. #3
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    Re: SQL Power Query for refreshable excel based reports

    Yeah I was more wanting to hear that other people are running either excel reports based off of company SQL data in a streamlined way. Will have more questions once I get access to the server.

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