Is it possible to initiate an export from Excel to Access from Excel?

Excel Help does not specify this as an option. I also cannot find it discussed on forums.

Multiple users are using individual, but uniformed spreadsheets for data input. I am attempting to centralize the separate excel files into one access file. Even though the spreadsheet environment is not shared and centralized, the access file is centralized.

It is not feasible for me to run docmd.transferSpreadsheet from Access because there are too many excel files to reference. A better way is for the excel files to include an identical macro that references on Access file.

Secondary question: is it possible to export excel worksheets to other excel files? In this scenario I could centralize all the data into one excel file before importing that file into Access.

I welcome any suggestions on other ways to solve this problem of consolidating multiple uniformed spreadsheets into one file.

Thank you.