Hi all,

I'd made a dashboard for school attendance and a few other things in Excel... Which worked fine but it's now been decided that it would be better done in Access so that more can be added - that might be true if it wasn't my first time using it

So...the goal is to allow the user to see attendance for whatever time period they choose. I have lists of weekly attendance data in individual tables to work with, and what I need to do is put them all into one table BUT only including certain weeks, which will be individually selected using toggle buttons (one per week) on the main form page. I've got the query code worked out to merge the tables together (once that's done I can just use a pivot table to get the sum of them unless thee's an easier way?), but I need to know how to add that toggle button functionality to it if anyone has any ideas? I understand that the toggle will return a value of -1 or 0 so hoping that something resembling an if statement could be used, being new to Access I'm just not familiar with the syntax

SELECT [Admission Number],[Present],[Au Abs],[Uau Abs],[Possible],[Late]
FROM [Week1]
SELECT [Admission Number],[Present],[Au Abs],[Uau Abs],[Possible],[Late]
FROM [Week2]
SELECT [Admission Number],[Present],[Au Abs],[Uau Abs],[Possible],[Late]
FROM [Week3];
SELECT [Admission Number],[Present],[Au Abs],[Uau Abs],[Possible],[Late]
FROM [Week4]
'etc, down to week 40
Thanks, Adam