I have a Form that ties to my [Salespeople table] - Rep is unique record that I use in a combobox Rep (cboRep) to pull up the record.
I have a subform (Multi Form) that ties to table [Deals]
When I choose a Salesperson on the Parent Form - the subform shows Deals that relate to rep. Works perfect

Then I added two Combo Boxes to the Header of the subform (cboYear) & (cboMonth) - when you choose the year, cboMonth only shows the months from that year - then when you choose month I have the form filtered by month...
When I open the Subform by itself, it works great.

When I open the master form:
Filter by [Rep] works
I can choose the year for [cboYear] when I try to choose month: an input box opens asking for cboYear opens up... I input year AGAIN and it works

I think it is tied to the Requery I requested - but in effect, it is asking me to enter year twice - once on the combo box and once in the input box.

What am I doing wrong?