I have a set of 24 hour data for the x-axis, and then corresponding data values. Within the 24 hours, an event starts, and I've manually set it that time point has become time "0:00", and then all the time before is now "-" relative, and time above is "+" relative, at a frequency of 2 seconds. Ex.
Column A Column B Column C
23:48:11 -0:10 19.924545
23:48:13 -0:08 19.924545
23:48:15 -0:06 19.924545
23:48:17 -0:04 19.866797
23:48:19 -0:02 19.837347
23:48:21 0:00 19.837347
23:48:23 0:02 19.793749
23:48:25 0:04 19.736093
23:48:27 0:06 19.692526
23:48:29 0:08 19.750151
The equation I used was: After event (to get points 0 and above): (B1-$A$1+(B1<$A$1)) Before event: TEXT(ABS(B1-$A$1),"-[m]:ss") Where B1 = value you're subtracting, A1 = event start
A line graph works, and displays the x axis as shown in the middle column, but when I try to do a XY plot, it shows the same trend, but not the correct x-axis values (i.e. shows 1000, 2000, 3000, etc.). I also tried using value() on the values before since I had to use text, but that also doesn't work since it just turns everything to 0, so a line plot seems to be the only for me to display the x-axis as shown in the column.

Is there a way to change the x-axis scale so that it shows the time every 5 mins but going OUTWARDS from 0 instead of from the very left.

i.e. z6Pqswb.png

So I want the x-axis to make increments outwards from the zero point at nicer time intervals (ex. every 5 mins, instead of every 3min 51s)

If the only way is to convert the chart type to a XY plot, how can I do this while keeping the x-axis still displaying ex. -0:02, 0:00, 0:02, etc. instead of 1000, 2000, etc.