
I am looking for some help in sorting dates using PowerPivot. I have looked online and I have found solutions to do this but my problem is a bit different due to the nature of my source data and hence the reason for my post. My ultimate goal is to create a pretty little scatter chart with the dates ordered chronologically using Power View

So here is my scenario- I have, as my source data, a column which contains individual days of the month and another column with the number of calls that were made to the service desk on each of those days. Below is a sample of

Date Number of Calls
01/04/2014 57
02/04/2014 34
03/04/2014 48
04/04/2014 38
07/04/2014 41
08/04/2014 36
09/04/2014 22
10/04/2014 38

As you can see, the dates are formatted as dd/mm/yyyy

When I try to plot this on a scatter chart, as expected, I get a trend for each of the individual days and the whole scatter chart is difficult to comprehend due to all the bubbles trailing about the screen. What I am trying to achieve is to create a scatter chart for every month in chronological order instead of every single day. I tried to use some DATE functions and FORMAT function and tried sorting them out. But it didn't really help

Appreciate any help!