I need to calculate the attendance rate of students as a % of the total number of hours offered in a course. Specifically:
At = 100 - Ha/Ho*100
At = Attendance rate (as a %)
Ha = Hours absent
Ho = Hours offered
Currently, 'Attendance' is coded as 0 (absent), 1 (present) or tba (to be assessed). In a pivot table, I have 'Student ID' in rows, 'Attendance' in columns, and 'Count of Attendance' as values. So the pivot table looks like this:
Student ID 0 1 tba 141002 56 100 198 141012 47 109 198 141013 38 118 198
When I go to calculated field, the only fields available are the fields from the pivot table source data eg Student ID; Attendance. Is it possible to use the values of 'Attendance' as fields, in order to calculate the new field of 'Attendance Rate', or something to that effect?