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Trying to only compare one bar in a bar chart that has multiple months

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Excel 2010

    Trying to only compare one bar in a bar chart that has multiple months

    I have a bar chart that lists months and shows the percentage. I would like to compare the 1st quarter average from this year to last year. I do not want to compare the months individually, just the 1st quarter. Does that make sense? I have attached a picture where I have what I want to do separated into 2 charts. I want to take the bars from the 2nd chart and add it to the first without comparing anything to Jan, Feb, or March. Any help?

    excel chart.png

  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    Excel 2010

    Re: Trying to only compare one bar in a bar chart that has multiple months

    Hello BrookieOU

    This is a double post. As I've been dealing with your question here:


    and is breaking rule 5:

    "Don't duplicate threads. If you have posted the question in one forum, do not post it again in another forum. You are duplicating efforts. If you feel the thread is in the wrong forum and needs to be moved to another forum, PM a mod / admin to do it for you."

    I'll continue to answer you post in the other thread unless the Mods move things.

    Last edited by DBY; 06-10-2015 at 07:42 AM.

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