So let's say I have a chart with 12 months of the year on one axis and numbers of tasks due on the other axis.

If January has workload value of 100. Because it's workload value is 100, the work won't ALL be done in January, so I want the next few months to absorb some of January's Value.

I.e. let's say the values for the year are

Jan = 100
Feb = 10
Mar = 20
April = 20

I would want them to actually become:

Jan = 100
Feb = 10 + (Jan - (Jan / 3))
Mar = 20 + (Feb - (Feb / 3))(Jan - (Jan / 3))
Apr = 20 + (Mar - (Mar / 3)) + (Feb - (Feb / 3)) + (Jan - (Jan / 3))

Is there a name for this or something built into Excel that would work similarly?