Hello everyone. New user to this forum and general new user to Excel. Here's my problem. I have an excel sheet of items bought per day and items sold per day and want this information in a simple bar graph. I add to this data for every day. I have created a bar graph with the date as the X axis and the quantity for y axis, with a bar for the values of bought/sold. This works fine. What my problem is is that currently, to only show the last 7 days, I have to manually change the DATA input every single day for the bar graph to only list the prior 7 days. I don't want (can't have) the entire history shown on the graph so using something like A:A to have the data input be an entire column just isn't working. Hopefully some guru here can help me with a way to have the bar graph dynamically update to only show the bottom 7 entries of my excel sheet (last 7 days).

Thank you very much for any insight you can provide.