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Dynamic Charting

  1. #1
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    Dynamic Charting

    Hi everyone! I'm new to posting on this forum. I can usual find a post that helps me solve my problem. But not this time.

    I'm making a lot of climate wind speed charts; a monthly average for each year on record for each weather station in my state.

    I'm wanting to take the data from the B column in the following picture.


    And adjust the X-axis automatically such that it only displays the available data (i.e. 2010 - 2015).


    I'm going to repeat this process for each month and for an annual average. Because I have to do this for 30+stations I would like to automate as much of this process as I can. Any help would be much appreciated. I'm not sure if i have explained my problem fully so let me know if you need more information. Thanks!

  2. #2
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    Re: Dynamic Charting

    thinking some offset formula with named range would do the trick
    however with 30+ graphs...this may get tedious to manage

    alternatively some macro to hide all the rows with NA would seem easier but is VBA viable for you?

    any chance of sample data file so i dont have to mock everything up to test it
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  3. #3
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    Re: Dynamic Charting

    It is actually 13 charts for 30+ stations. I eliminated quite a bit of data from file in order to get under the 1mb size limit.
    But there is a chart for each month of the year and an annual chart.

    Also I'm not sure if I attached the file or not. I attached it in the manage attachment page. But I couldn't get it to attach in the usual paperclip attachment option.
    Hopefully it works!
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  4. #4
    Forum Expert
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    Re: Dynamic Charting

    So i got started and i couldn't stop at one thing....so i actually ended up changing many things to your sample file

    first thing i fixed was your average formulas to ignore N/A

    in b32
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    in n9
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    Secondly i added a data validation cell (drop down menu) to make your whole chart dynamic
    select a month or annual and your chart will update accordingly

    added 3 named ranges

    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    this determines what column to look under for chart data and CSE formula below

    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    this determines what to include into the chart

    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    this updates the X axis chart labels accordingly

    To make these named ranges run
    i added two CSE formulas to determine the first and last value (based if the cell is a number)

    First value is done by
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    Last value is achieved by
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    this would of been enough to make the chart "Dynamic"

    however i found the charts - labels and titles and your long term average were not dynamic
    so i did some wholesale changes to your labels sheet too

    the whole sheet is run off the DV cell
    'wind data'!Q2

    i think you already understand how most of it works because you had most of it there....i just refined it slightly
    have a look and if you require explanation let me know
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  5. #5
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    Re: Dynamic Charting

    Thanks for the help! It took me awhile to figure out everything you have going on. I added a chart for the monthly averages. I wasn't sure how to add it to the drop down menu. So I just made a new chart for it.

    Anyways, I have a future problem (if I can say that). As this is climate data, that data set is quite literally growing by the second. So when we update these charts, we need to adjust the averaging equation in the wind data sheet. For some stations it gets upwards of 190,000 rows of data. We are currently just copy and pasting the data into excel. So the number of rows of data in the RawData sheet will increase each time we update the charts. Is there away that the averaging range of data that the averaging equation will change automatically?

    I took a stab at this by counting the number of cells that have data, but I was unable to get that number into the averaging equation. I have attached another sample spreadsheet.

    Thanks again for your help!
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  6. #6
    Forum Expert
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    Re: Dynamic Charting

    Re: Drop down menu
    its called data validation
    heres a link with some information to get you started on it

    i see what you tried there with the "MAX" named range...you were just missing the next step
    ps you should avoid using named ranges that are also formula names so i changed that named range to MaxDataLines

    ive attached the file again with the changes
    essentially i added a named ranges (avgData,MonData,YearData) to get your averageifs formula working so it updates based on your MaxDataLines
    picture and comments on file

    have a look, if you understood what was done previously you should be able to understand what was done this time round
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