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Show total for pie chart from a pivot table in title

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  1. #1
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    Show total for pie chart from a pivot table in title


    I have a pivot chart that is a pie chart from a pivot table that has sums of multiple fields. So, I want to be able to put the total either in the title after the name or somewhere in the chart.

    For example, I have the names in the column (6 names so 6 columns). The rows for my pivot table are the sum of each source (15 rows total). I created a filter using another pivot chart and slicers to filter by name. So when I choose a name, I see in my pie chart the number of each source. So, say I filter for John Smith. The pie chart will only show John Smith and only the sum of the sources under him. So lets say, website is 7 and board is 3 and search is 5. I want the total (15) to show up on the pie chart either in the title after the name (John Smith - 15) or somewhere on the chart.

    Sorry for the terribly long explanation. I am not even sure if this is possible for a pivot chart.

    As always, your help and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: Show total for pie chart from a pivot table in title

    The title for any chart can either be a static string, or you can read the value from a cell.

    So let's assume that the name you are looking for is in the pivot table filter in cell B2 and the total value you want is in cell F6. Then in some convenient cell, let's say H1, enter the formula =B2 & Char(10) & "Total = " & F6. The Char (10) is a line break so the chart title will have the name and total underneath it.

    Select the existing title. Go up to the formula bar and type in =H1 (or whatever cell contains your title).
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  3. #3
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    Re: Show total for pie chart from a pivot table in title

    Thank you for your help.

    In addition to your answer, if the grand total cell is calculated in the pivot table, you cannot reference that cell. To reference the grand total, I had to click on the cell below it, then make that cell = the grand total cell (=GETPIVOTDATA("Sum of #",$F$2)). Then I did your method using this cell (F22).

  4. #4
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: Show total for pie chart from a pivot table in title

    This formula might work for you (depending on how your pivot table is laid out)

    INDEX ($A$1:$F$100, MATCH("Grand Total",$A$1:$A$100,0),6)

    This formula assumes that the pivot table is contained within the first 100 rows, and that the words "Grand Total" is in Column A and that the actual value is in Column F.

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