I have two columns of data, X and Y. Let's say they are both of length 100. Y contains 100 integer values, but X varies. Depending on certain conditions, only a portion of the X data is valid. When X is not valid, I am using IF statements to populate the cell as a blank entry (=""). X could be 10 numbers and 90 blank cells, or 100 numbers and 0 blank cells. My chart is plotting Y vs X and I have selected all 100 values. I would like my chart to plot only the series pairs with valid data.

The blank cells are an issue. If X contains 100 integers, all is well. The data plots as expected. However, if X contains even 1 blank cell, Excel resorts to plotting Y vs the index of X and not the value of X. I want to continue plotting against the value of X even with blank cells.

To illustrate my problem I've isolated it to an easily understandable comparison. Here's what happens when X contains all integers. However, when a single value is blank, note what happens to the X axis. Is there a way to prevent Excel from saying "Oh, a non-integer? I'm going to plot index values then". I want to keep plotting values, but for Excel to simply gloss over the pairs with a blank member.