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Monitoring campaigns on multiple criteria at once

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Monitoring campaigns on multiple criteria at once


    I am a data analyst working to improve transparency for trends in our sales campaigns.
    I am looking for an easier way to represent our campaigns' performance based on three criterion at the same time.

    If you look at the attached sheet, I have 3 tabs, one for each criterion (credit score, state, and purchase amount).
    Using these individual tabs, I can easily see within our 10 sales campaigns which credit scores have the highest performance ratings (ex: campaign 1 best performance is within 750-759 credit scores).
    Same goes for state (campaign 1 best performance is in NM), and purchase amount (campaign 1 best performance is within $1000-$2000 purchases).

    The issue now is figuring out how to dissect these campaigns even further, which would be looking into all three of these criteria at once.
    For example, I know the 750-759 credit score performs the best in campaign 1... which states within this credit tier perform the best? Which purchase amounts within this credit score tier perform the worst?
    I know I can accomplish this by subtotaling by all three criteria at once, but the biggest issue with this is that it makes the report so huge that it's incomprehensible especially with so many campaigns.

    What I am doing now is trying to think outside the box to find a way to accomplish this. Maybe there is a better way in Excel to solve this problem? Maybe there is a better solution outside of Excel (Microsoft Access? Data modeling, etc)?
    In a "perfect world", I would like to have a way to first identify which campaigns have the best performance ratings based off each criteria separately. But then have a way to "click into" the campaign and see the other two criteria within this sample. I gave some thought to a collapsible subtotal, but since the actual report I use has hundreds of rows of formulas broken out into 26 campaigns, I don't know how well this would work.

    I REALLY appreciate any help or ideas on how to help me accomplish this! Let me know if anything doesn't make sense.

    Thanks ahead of time
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: Monitoring campaigns on multiple criteria at once

    Where does this data come from? This source apparently has the data in a normalized format. The normalized data probably has a format like the picture (or maybe even more granular like having exact credit score or exact amount of purchase). The sheet you provided has insufficient information to do what you want and there is no way to construct a normalized set of data from it. For example, there is no way to tell how many of the 750-759 credit scores are from Alabama and how many of them were for purchases of $1,000 to $1,999.

    If you can get your hands on this normalized data, then a pivot table should be able to solve all of your issues. You can filter by state, by credit score by purchase amount to see which campaign is best. Also you can recreate the existing data.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    One spreadsheet to rule them all. One spreadsheet to find them. One spreadsheet to bring them all and at corporate, bind them.

    A picture is worth a thousand words, but a sample spreadsheet is more likely to be worked on.

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