Hi experts!

How are you? I don't see how can I find a workaround to this issue. I just want that Excel interprets as the same object a field (column) that I use in 2 different tables.

I have two tables:
  • a table named tblCampaigns in which one of the columns is called Category
  • and another table for tblContacts which also has a Category field (that means the same in the Campaigns table)

This Category field is validated by a fixed drop-down list of unique (non-repeated) categories pre-built somewhere else in the excel file. Just for your information, this list has been also created technically as a table called lstCategories.

So I thought that if I built a relationship between tblCampaigns.Category with lstCategory I could also relate lstCategory with tblContacts.Category and the data model would understand that both fields are the same thing. This is not possible as a message warning duplicated relationships pops up.

Do you know any other way?
