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Adding Calculated Average Line to Chart

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Adding Calculated Average Line to Chart

    I hope someone can help because I'm starting to hate charts. I'm basically trying to add an average line to my line-graph by using calculated averages instead of the trend-line tool.

    I have two tables. Table 1 has Column A (a number) and Column B (also a number). I've created a line graph of this table using Column A as the x-axis (horizontal) and Column B as the data points.

    I have another table that calculates the averages of Column B if Column A falls within a certain range.
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    (simplified code since that's not the point of this post.)

    I want to add this line to the chart. It's basically the same as adding a trend line, except I need to have the calculated number since the ranges vary. I calculated the median of the ranges and used that as my x-axis and the averages as my data points.

    The result:
    Screen Shot 2017-10-05 at 7.35.37 PM.png

    The average line is the blue one. I think the issue is that I only have 20 or so "average" data points and thousands of the other data points. But I don't understand why the average line doesn't stretch across the graph since I've used the median of the ranges and those fall all along the x-axis (ie if I have an x-axis that goes from 1-10 and I plot points at 3, 5, and 7 I would think it should stretch out.)

    Note: I also plan to find the minimum of each average range and add that as well (but I will use a formula to find the exact point that instance happens rather than the median of the average range). So I hope the solution works in both instances.

  2. #2
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    Re: Adding Calculated Average Line to Chart

    It is difficult to see exactly what is going on based on a limited description of the data and a picture of the messed up chart.

    My first thought, where column A is a number -- is there a reason you are using a line chart rather than an XY scatter chart? I find that it is often much easier to have different series with different x values on a scatter chart than other chart types. I wonder if your problem will resolve itself by simply changing chart types.
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
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  3. #3
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    Re: Adding Calculated Average Line to Chart

    Yep, that fixed it! (with a bit of tweaking)

    Thank you!! I was getting pretty frustrated. I'll remember to stay away from line-graphs in the future.

  4. #4
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    Re: Adding Calculated Average Line to Chart

    Glad that fixed it.

    I would not that it isn't about staying away from line-graphs. It's more about understanding the differences between line and scatter charts and when to use each one. If you are interested, this could be an interesting article to read: https://peltiertech.com/line-charts-vs-xy-charts/

  5. #5
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    Re: Adding Calculated Average Line to Chart

    Thank you, I'll check out the article.

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