I am trying to create a pivot table to filter the different types of events happening and communications being sent each month. I am half way there but am stuck on one final bit.

Each communication/event could fall under several "service" categories e.g. National Carer's Week could be categorized as both a caring and mental wellbeing event. This also applies to who a mailing is sent to e.g. one mailing could be sent to Volunteers and Fundraisers.

This is my current data:

This is my current pivot, using slicers:

I am hoping you can see what I am trying to achieve. I do not want long lists in services and send to but a set list I could select from and it pick out every event appropriate.

For example, ideally...
One particular mailing may be Caring, Mental Wellbeing and Money, I'd put this all in one cell on the data. Then in the slicer in the pivot, if I were to select either Caring, Mental Wellbeing or Money, this mailing would come up (along with any others which may have been categorized as one of more of those services).

Same example for if I were to send a mailing to volunteers and Fundraisers. I would put this in one cell on data set but when using the slicer on the pivot table, I could just select one of the three and it would still come up (along with any other maillings which have been categorised as one or more of those "send tos).

Does that make sense....? Sorry, complete pivot novice here!!