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X Y Scatter Chart, with Labels & colour coded markers

  1. #1
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    X Y Scatter Chart, with Labels & colour coded markers

    I am trying to create a scatter chart, which essentially replicates an ease/impact prioritization matrix, however I am having a few issues.
    I have loaded an example file, however in there will be about 50 rows in each table so I wanted to check if there was an easier way to do what I wanted:

    I would like each point plotted against the X (Ease) and Y (Impact) axis, with the data point labelled as per the scheme name in row A. I can only seem to do this by creating a separate series for each row, then selecting each data point individually, adding data label and then changing to the series name. I also want each of the marker styles to be the same, so I also have to select each of these manually and change the style and then the colour manually (I don't think I can escape changing the colour manually though)

    So my question is - is there a quicker way to
    - create the chart with both X & Y plotted, rather than selecting each row separately to create multiple series?
    - label the data points
    - change the style of the markers to the same

    Scheme Ease Impact BC
    Scheme A 5 119294 R
    Scheme B 4 182064 A
    Scheme C 2 378983 G
    Scheme D 2 270430 R
    Scheme E 1 459141 G
    Scheme F 5 472217 A
    Scheme G 2 60202 R
    Scheme H 5 399478 G


  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    Re: X Y Scatter Chart, with Labels & colour coded markers

    I'm not sure I understand all of what you are trying to do. As a guess, here's what I would try.

    1) Don't add individual points separately, but add all them as one data series. Select B2:C9 and insert scatter chart.
    2a) for 2010 and earlier, get Rob Bovey's free xy chart labeler addin (appspro.com ), and use that to add data labels to all the points using the text in A2:A9.
    2b) for 2013 and later, add data labels, select values from cells, and tell it to use A2:A9.
    3) format the data series so that it uses one of the built in symbols (circle) and tell Excel to vary color by point.
    4) Other formatting as needed.

    How close is that to what you want?
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

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