
I'm running into a problem in a cohort question for my homework.

This is a snapshot of the data i have:
Signup month action taken month Months to take action signups number of users taking action
Jan-17 Sep-18 20 95 71
Jan-17 Jan-18 12 95 77
Jan-17 Jun-18 17 96 72
Jan-17 Jan-18 12 92 78
Jan-17 Dec-18 23 91 78
Jan-17 Jul-18 18 100 73
Jan-17 Oct-18 21 92 79
Jan-17 Feb-18 13 95 70
Jan-17 Jan-18 12 91 79
Jan-17 May-18 16 93 71
Jan-17 Jun-18 17 95 72
Jan-17 Jul-18 18 95 76
Jan-17 May-18 16 98 70
Jan-17 Mar-18 14 91 71
Jan-17 Sep-18 20 95 72

I have tried to make a cohort with a pivot, but I can only get it to take the actions taken and not actions taken relative to all sign ups that month. I think the reason why i have this problem is that for each month the sign ups and the number of action taken are captured in two different columns, and as far as i can see i cant have two columns as value.
Current output:

What I want to have as output is the following:

Where Month 0 = total sign up for the month, Month 1 = number (or share) of actions taken (out of the total sign ups), month 2 = number (or share) of actions taken (out of the total sign ups) etc.


Hope it is clear what i'm looking for and someone can help me out.