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Filtering Slicers with Slicers ... with Slicers?

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Question Filtering Slicers with Slicers ... with Slicers?

    Hey all, Not sure if that title makes sense, but it's what I'm trying to do.

    BLUF -- I'm looking to be able to click a selection in a slicer, and it filters the next slicer, which allows me to filter another slicer, until I reach the end goal.
    I don't even know if its possible.

    So the Concept is this: Work Order Flow Map/Process/Chart

    In order to Close out a Work Order (SAP) -- a specific "System Condition Code" must be used. This is just a single digit alphanumeric.
    When that digit is used, the next selection is limited to specific other digits.
    When one of those digits is selected, the next selection is limited to specific other digits...

    Realistically, it would be like F, R, U, S.

    But !! Each of those codes allows for other options...
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    Last edited by BOTJ33F; 12-11-2019 at 04:51 PM.

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Re: Nest-Filtering Filters in Pivot Tables ...? Uhh ...?

    After more reading, I think my verbiage may be off...

    I … want to filter the output from one slicer (Pivot) against the same "data"

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    F = Final Inspection
    R = Awaiting Pick Up
    U = Picked Up, must be Closed first
    S = Closed, Technically Completed

    **Each one of these digits has it's own "code description" **

    --- select F
    F can be changed to 1, 2, 3, 5, B, C, E, F, G, I, J, K, R, S, U
    --- select R
    R can be changed to 4, 5, G, M, U
    --- select U
    U can be changed to 5, 8, G, S
    -- select S
    S can be still be changed to 5, 8, R -- but this is the end System Code.

    Notice that between F, R, U, and S -- there are identical digits.

    When I'm using a Slicer -
    I want to select F in the first one, and those selections come up in the second Slicer.
    And then when I select R from the next Slicer, it gives me the available selections...
    and so on -- a flow chart. A map.

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