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Dynamically set graph axis min/max levels

  1. #1
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    Excel 2010

    Dynamically set graph axis min/max levels

    I created an excel file that provides a rotor balancing solution based on vibration data runs.
    It uses a graphical display similar to GPS signals to locate a receivers location.
    Essentially, it displays 4 circles on a polar plot.

    To show properly, the X and Y axis must have the same min/max, so I "fixed" the axis properties to -10/+10
    The problem is that if the user data is higher than "10", the user is then forced to manually change both X and Y axis accordingly to visually fit the circles on the graph.

    I was hoping there was a way to add a "slider" control that would dynamically change the X and Y axis bounds of the graph.
    Has anyone done something like this?

    Jim P

  2. #2
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    Re: Dynamically set graph axis min/max levels

    I would expect to start here (unless you decide to go with Tushar-Meta's preprogrammed add-in): https://peltiertech.com/link-excel-c...lues-in-cells/

    If the "slider" control is important, you can link a slider control to the cell's that you decide to use for the inputs.
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

  3. #3
    Forum Guru Andy Pope's Avatar
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    Re: Dynamically set graph axis min/max levels

    A non macro approach is to use a dummy series that has the largest ABS value, recalc'd and plotted in each quadrant.
    This will then make the autoscaling the same in both x/y axis for both min/max values

  4. #4
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    Re: Dynamically set graph axis min/max levels

    Thanks for your help
    I created a small macro to do exactly what I wanted (re-size graph based on a cell value)

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