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Creating full-spectrum color gradients in bar chart based on input value

  1. #1
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    Creating full-spectrum color gradients in bar chart based on input value

    I'm creating a resource for the stats behind the mechanics of a video game I'm designing and would like the value of each stat to scale from red (lowest) through yellow, to green, and finally cyan (highest). I'd post an image link but I'm not allowed to yet; the stat bars for the Pokemon on the Smogon site is very similar to what I'm going for.

    Ideally the color and length of the bar would automate once a number is input. In Excel the fill effects only allow for two colors rather than a gradual spectrum; any help on how to implement this is much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Andy Pope's Avatar
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    Re: Creating full-spectrum color gradients in bar chart based on input value

    You can apply a gradient fill the bar. In the Format dialog you can add Graident stops and set the colours
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  3. #3
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    Re: Creating full-spectrum color gradients in bar chart based on input value

    Is it possible to automate the process and have each bar become a solid color dependent on the value, though? I messed with the format dialogue options as you mentioned and haven't discovered a way to do this yet.

  4. #4
    Forum Guru Andy Pope's Avatar
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    Re: Creating full-spectrum color gradients in bar chart based on input value

    You would need to format each data point (bar) based on it's value in relation to a colour spectrum.

    The usual way to have conditional bar colours is to use multiple series with formula to control which series has the data value. Given a full colour spectrum vba would be easier

  5. #5
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    Re: Creating full-spectrum color gradients in bar chart based on input value

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy Pope View Post
    You would need to format each data point (bar) based on it's value in relation to a colour spectrum.

    The usual way to have conditional bar colours is to use multiple series with formula to control which series has the data value. Given a full colour spectrum vba would be easier
    Yeah, I've been messing with the VBA; any advice on where to go from here with questions regarding it?

  6. #6
    Forum Guru Andy Pope's Avatar
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    Re: Creating full-spectrum color gradients in bar chart based on input value

    you can use macro recorder to get setting the colour of a data point.

    The big question is how do you know what colour to use for any given data value?

  7. #7
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    Re: Creating full-spectrum color gradients in bar chart based on input value

    It would scale from dark red at 1 through orange > yellow > green > blue > to bright cyan after 200. I can mess with that in practice once I'm able to use a macro to set a color for each value. Any advice on setting that up? So far I have this VBA module but it seems overly complicated and doesn't seem to work:

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    Last edited by Kadai; 01-09-2021 at 04:46 PM.

  8. #8
    Forum Guru Andy Pope's Avatar
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    Re: Creating full-spectrum color gradients in bar chart based on input value

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    In the example you will need to update the RGB values to suit your spectrum
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  9. #9
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    Re: Creating full-spectrum color gradients in bar chart based on input value

    Thanks. In the sheet I'm able to adjust the number values, but changing the RBG values doesn't seem to affect the bar colors. Am I missing something? Also not sure what I should be filling the x cells in with. I'm using 2016 if that makes any difference for the VBA. My end goal is to have the bar length and color generated by the value (each stat would have the same spectrum applied); not sure if this would work with this code?

  10. #10
    Forum Guru Andy Pope's Avatar
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    Re: Creating full-spectrum color gradients in bar chart based on input value

    You would need to change the value in B2:B7 in order for the code to reformat the columns.

    If the values are formula then you will need to use the calculate event

  11. #11
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    Re: Creating full-spectrum color gradients in bar chart based on input value

    I'm able to change those values as you said, but it only alters the length of the bar; the colors are still rigid for each cell; is there a way to make each cell map to the same spectrum? I'll be inputting raw values so that aspect shouldn't be an issue.

  12. #12
    Forum Guru Andy Pope's Avatar
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    Re: Creating full-spectrum color gradients in bar chart based on input value

    As you have not posted an example file I can only go on the code.

    The bar length is determined by values in B2:B7, the colour of the bars is determined by content of C2:C7, which you call rank_rng. If the values in C2:C7 are not somehow based on the values of B2:B7 then they will not change, therefore the colour for each point will not change.

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