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Adding Weekly Data to Monthly Chart

  1. #1
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    Adding Weekly Data to Monthly Chart

    I'm trying to add weekly sales data to a chart (attached) tracking monthly count that can't be broken out by week. Ideally, I would have the monthly 2019 and 2020 count as a bar chart and the weekly 2020 sales as a line chart. In the examples I'm finding for combo charts, the data has the same frequency, whereas I'm trying to match 52 records up against 12. Can anyone advise how I do this?
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: Adding Weekly Data to Monthly Chart

    OK, I sort of stumbled into this one.

    Right click on the chart and select Selecte Data. Add the weekly data as a third series. Put this series on a secondary axis. THEN you get the option to add a secondary horizontal axis. Select the new series under select data and add the dates to the secondary horizontal axis.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Adding Weekly Data to Monthly Chart

    Wow, @dflak, this is great! Can you explain the steps you took to add the weekly data as a new axis? When I tried to replicate, I clicked Add Series, and made the "Sales" column my series but no matter what I tried, it tried to make these sales numbers continuations of my X axis (to where my 2019/2020 counts and sales figures were on the same horizontal axis) - I tried separating onto a second axis but didn't seem to find a solution...

  4. #4
    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: Adding Weekly Data to Monthly Chart

    Here is what I did to get the secondary axis.

    Select Data is a powerful tool for charting. I call it "getting under the hood."
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