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Power Pivot Calculations and Filters

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    Power Pivot Calculations and Filters

    "#1) In column H 4:16, the total invoice value is 31,269.05, however on each line of data the total invoice value is indicated. I have used Average of in this column to come to the correct total (H16).

    I need to put in a calculated field that will determine the difference the between Subtotal rows only for Sum of Rebill amount and Sum of Invoice Amount to Avoid confusion as the individual data always states the total Invoice amount (H4:15).

    EG the calculation result should state for Row 16 (31,269.05-27,907.05) =€3,362; Row 18 = -2000 and Row 21 = 0."

    "#2) I need to create a column, that if the subtotal of rebill amount and Invoice amount is equal, it can be filtered away (I only need to inspect when subtotals do not equal).
    Additionally, (e.g. the top set of data), this €3,362 variance may be determined to be a correct variance. Is there a way where I could manually 'tick' a cell e.g. in column I that I could then filter on.

    The end goal is I would like to double click the Grand total value (or similar) after having filtered out the two above (values net match, or variances are approved to be accurate) to get all original data lines that have not been fully matched off yet, in this instance it would be row 14 in the table.
    This would then be carried forward as the start for the next reconciliation process."
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