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Limits bar chart

  1. #1
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    Limits bar chart

    Hello, I am trying to visualize received results from the analysis and would like to create a limits bar chart to display them. The idea of the chart is to have minimum and maximum limits on the right and left side respectively visualized with straight lines and then add minimum and maximum values that were calculated inside those limits to see if they are within limits or not. Could not find a straight forward solution how to make that within excel chart. In the attached graphs you could see an example what I would like to receive as an output. Another figure illustrates values that should be used to implement that. Min and max temperature displays results. Other two columns displays lower and upper limits.

    Thank you in advance for your advises!
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  2. #2
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    Re: Limits bar chart

    It is difficult for me to understand exactly what you are having trouble with.

    What I see in your picture is a spreadsheet with a bunch of temperature data and some in-cell charting. At the bottom is a chart that looks like a stacked bar chart or maybe a stacked bar + XY scatter combination chart. I do not see in the spreadsheet part of the picture any of the data that appears to be needed for creating the chart, so I'm not sure where or how you are getting the bottom chart from the data in the spreadsheet part of the picture.

    Are you familiar with how to create a stacked bar chart? How are you obtaining and where are you storing the data that the stacked bar chart needs? Creating the stacked bar chart should be straightforward once you have the data for the chart somewhere in the spreadsheet. The main thing I am not understanding is how you get from the data in the picture to the data that the chart needs.
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

  3. #3
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    Re: Limits bar chart

    Dear MrShortly,

    Thank you for your response. One of the attached pictures is not from the excel. The idea is to use data with results (numbers) and create similar charts where each row would represent one line. Please see attached one more example that I made with other software. Ideally, I would like to create a chart with such information: 1 - Lower limit (Min) 4- Upper limit (Max) 2- Min. temperature 3-Max.temperature.

    I am not familiar at the moment how to create chart like this in the excel. I will review the information that you sent me. If you could provide any useful examples I would be really grateful.

    Thank you in advance and hope you understand my explanations.
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  4. #4
    Forum Guru
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    Re: Limits bar chart

    If you are unfamiliar with creating stacked bar charts in Excel, this tutorial should help: https://www.extendoffice.com/documen...umn-chart.html Their example is even for a two category multiple "stacks" type of chart, so it should be particularly relevant to the latest picture.

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